Lower elevated cholesterol levels by making a light diet change

Lower elevated cholesterol levels by making a light diet change / Health News
Derailed cholesterol levels can often be lowered through nutrition
Many Germans have problems with their cholesterol levels. Excessively high levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol are associated with many health risks, so countermeasures should be taken if diagnosed appropriately. These often provide the prescription of cholesterol-lowering drugs. However, under certain circumstances, a successful reduction by a change in diet can take place, reports the pharmacy magazine "Diabetes Guide".

A slightly increased LDL cholesterol value can sometimes be reduced by a change in diet, the pharmacy magazine "Diabetes Guide" in a recent release. Thus, some affected people could refrain from taking the drugs with a corresponding adjustment of their diet. At significantly higher levels, however, drugs remain required, the trade magazine continues.

Excessively high LDL cholesterol levels lead to arteriosclerosis and pose a serious health risk. In some cases, nutrition can be used to significantly lower levels. (Image: Christoph Burgstedt / fotolia.com)

Too high LDL values ​​require countermeasure
If high levels of LDL cholesterol are detected during a blood test, the next step is often prescribing a cholesterol-lowering drug, usually a so-called statin, reports Diabetes Counselor. Thus, the LDL value and thus the risk of heart attack and stroke can be significantly reduced. According to the experts, excess cholesterol in the subgroup LDL is deposited in the vessel walls, increasing the risk of arteriosclerosis. Therefore, type 2 diabetics, who already have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, almost always need a statin, explains the diabetologist Dr. med. Werner Paul from Friedberg in the trade magazine.

Side effect on the revenue of statins
However, several studies have also suggested the risk of serious side effects when taking statins. For example, scientists from the University of Queensland recently came to the conclusion that statins significantly increase the risk of diabetes in older women. Therefore, the minimization of the use of drugs is always required. Here, a change in diet can be a well-applicable alternative for some people affected.

Waiver of animal fats
According to the pharmacy magazine "Diabetes Guide", it sometimes suffices if people "stay with animal fats, so eat less meat, sausage and cheese." Low-fat varieties should be preferred and when cooking, recommends switching to vegetable fats such as rapeseed - or olive oil. However, unlike a long time ago, there is no restriction on the cholesterol content of eggs, according to the diabetologist. Paul.

Cholesterol levels are limited by the diet controllable
The control of cholesterol levels on food intake, according to the experts, however, limited. Because the body covers only a small part of its cholesterol needs from the food. "The LDL value can therefore only be reduced by five to ten percent through nutrition", emphasizes the private lecturer Dr. med. Corinna Lebherz, cardiologist at the University of Aachen, in the journal "Diabetes Ratgeber". (Fp)