Increased risks for cardiovascular diseases Aircraft noise damages the blood vessels

Increased risks for cardiovascular diseases Aircraft noise damages the blood vessels / Health News
Exposure to aircraft noise increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
In recent years, scientific studies have repeatedly shown a connection between aircraft noise and diseases. In a new study, researchers have now come up with further explanations as to why the noise caused by aircraft is leading to more cardiovascular diseases in the long term.

Aircraft noise makes you ill
If you live near an airport, you often have to deal with heavy noise. The noise can quickly become a health risk factor. For example, scientific studies have shown that aircraft noise increases the risk of depression. In addition, the noise promotes strokes and heart disease. In a new study, scientists have now succeeded in decrypting mechanisms that are responsible for vascular damage due to aircraft noise.

According to a new study, aircraft noise leads to more stress hormones, vascular damage and, in the long term, more cardiovascular diseases. (Image: kathijung /

Stress hormone is increased and decreased sleep quality
In the long term, aircraft noise will lead to increased development of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart attacks and strokes.

As reported by the University Medical Center Mainz in a communication, a working group of Professor Münzel succeeded in 2013 to prove that simulated night-time noise increases the stress hormone epinephrine, diminishes the quality of sleep and triggers vascular damage called endothelial dysfunction.

However, the molecular mechanisms of this vascular injury were unknown until now. However, the scientists were able to detect measurably that aircraft noise causes a significant increase in stress hormones, a vascular dysfunction, increased oxidative stress in the vessels and a marked change in the expression of genes in the vessel wall.

In addition, they decrypted the enzymes responsible for the vascular damage. According to the researchers, the results of this study allow for the first time to develop specific strategies that mitigate noise-induced negative consequences on vessels.

They described the results published in the journal "European Heart Journal" as a breakthrough in (flight) noise research.

Hypersensitivity to vasoconstrictor substances
To get their results, the scientists tested the effects of two different noise scenarios on the vessels in an animal model. In one noisy scenario, mice were exposed to aircraft noise for four days and four years of environmental noise ("white noise") in the other.

The experts found that aircraft noise causes endothelial dysfunction within one day, causes hypersensitivity to vasoconstrictive substances, and raises stress hormone levels significantly. This leads among other things to hypertension.

Responsible for this was therefore primarily an increased formation of free radicals as a result of aircraft noise. Interestingly, the same noise level with ambient noise within four days had no negative consequences for the vessels.

Study authors speak of a breakthrough in noise research
According to the authors of the study, the results represent a breakthrough in noise research: "Because traditional risk factors lead to vascular dysfunction through the same mechanisms, it must be expected that noise enhances the effect of cardiovascular risk factors, thereby stimulating the process of vascular calcification."

Univ. Dr. Thomas Münzel said: "For the first time it will now be possible to test to what extent cardiovascular drugs can prevent aircraft-induced damage to vessels. In addition, we will also investigate the effects of road and rail noise in the near future. "(Ad)