Health News - Page 1635

First death toll from measles for years

Death by measles: Pediatricians alerted 02/05/2011 Health authorities have been reporting a dramatic increase in measles diseases for weeks, especially...

First test tube baby is 30 years old

Artificial insemination: First German retort baby celebrates his 30th birthday 04/17/2012 Even thirty years after the birth of the first...

First drug for complete cancer cure successful in initial tests?

Cancer free after only a few weeks of treatment? Unfortunately, cancer costs more and more people's lives. Physicians all over...

First competence center for nutrition opened

Competence center for nutrition started 14/10/2011 In Bavaria, Germany's first competence center for nutrition (KErn) was opened. As Bavarian State...

First child receives permanent artificial heart

First child receives permanent artificial heart In Rome, an artificial heart was implanted for the first time in a 15-year-old...

First uniform concept for breastfeeding

New concept provides a uniform basis for advanced training on breastfeedingBreastfeeding has many positive effects on the child's health and...

First German dementia village Still places free

First German dementia village: still places free02/18/2015 The number of dementia patients is steadily increasing in this country. Experts have...

First shop opened for e-cigarettes

Business opening in Krefeld: The first electric cigarettes are sold in the shop 01/04/2012 Despite the controversial discussion about the...

First stroke ambulance car in Berlin

First stroke emergency ambulance in Berlin put into operation 20/02/2011 The state of Berlin has commissioned the first ambulance especially...