First competence center for nutrition opened

First competence center for nutrition opened / Health News

Competence center for nutrition started


In Bavaria, Germany's first competence center for nutrition (KErn) was opened. As Bavarian State Minister for Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Helmut Brunner, explained at the opening ceremony of the Competence Center for Nutrition, the Healthy Eating in the Free State is to be supported by the two departments (Kulmbach and Freising-Weihenstephan).

In the center of excellence, various research institutes will work closely with the food industry in the future in order to facilitate a systematic transfer of knowledge to consumers. The Bavarian Minister of Food Brunner emphasized that in the unique project in Germany bundled competencies and the „Information flow between business, science and consumers“ should be improved, too „develop tailor-made nutrition concepts for a wide variety of target groups“. The nutritional requirements for infants are fundamentally different compared to adults.

Three main topics of the competence center for nutrition
The Competence Center for Nutrition also has the task of bundling already existing, nutrition-specific knowledge in a practical way for consumers. So should „the Center of Competence contributes to raising awareness of healthy eating and living and improving food appreciation“, explained Brunner at the opening ceremony. From now on, the Competence Center will act as the central point of contact for service providers and consumers in all nutrition issues. The novel device is divided into the areas „nutritional science“, „Nutritional information / knowledge transfer“ and „Food industry / production“. The focus of nutrition science is dedicated to the analysis of national and international „Nutrition and food research regarding relevant projects and results.“In addition, more funding is to be raised in this area and new research projects initiated together with project partners. Here also a close co-operation with the universities as well as public and private research institutions is planned, explained nutrition minister Brunner.

In the focus „Nutritional information / knowledge transfer“ The Competence Center for Nutrition should bundle the scientific results for business, service providers and consumers and develop and offer target group-specific educational offers. On the basis of practice-oriented workshops, conferences and meetings, the KErn „a successful knowledge dialogue“ initiate. At the same time, those responsible also plan the assignment „Interoperable software for specific target groups“ as well as implementation concepts, „the different age groups and life situations“ (for example, young parents / families, seniors, day care).

The focus „Food industry / production“ meanwhile aims at the support of „Producers, manufacturers, processors, service providers, gastronomy and food trade“ in recognizing new developments, „Framework conditions and trends of the society as well as living conditions of the consumers“. This would help providers to consider these aspects when developing offers. The KErn's focus is on building and expanding platforms in the areas „innovation management“ and „Regional value chains“, so the execution of the initiators to the goals of the new competence center. Also the establishment of existing ones „Regional value chains“ be essential at this point. In addition, the KErn is dedicated to the focal area „Food industry / production“ likewise the development of target-group-specific offers in these segments in order to initiate a sustainable communication structure between business, science and consumers.

With its commitment, the Nutrition Competence Center claims to address all nutritional network partners, from government agencies such as Nutrition and Agriculture to Nutrition and General Education institutions, to health and social services. In addition, doctors and midwives, nutritionists, the food industry as well „not least specialist journalists and the media“ be achieved. For this purpose, the KErn employs at the locations Kulmbach and Freising-Weihenstephan initially 18 employees, whereby by 2015, the number of employees should increase to 40 people. (Fp)