Health News - Page 161

Warning against PKV low rates

Analyst house warns against cheap starter rates of private health insurance 07/13/2011 As part of a survey for the Frankfurter...

Warning of PCB in organic eggs from NRW

PCB found in organic eggs from the district of Soest 21/08/2012 Again, consumer protection and health authorities warn against the...

Warning about online discussion of mental health problems

Do not discuss mental problems with Facebook & Co. 22.07.2011 Experts warn against discussing psychological issues such as depression or...

Warning about breast milk exchange

Ministry of Health warns about breast milk exchange03/19/2014 The first breast milk exchange on the Internet is online and there...

Warning of multiple sclerosis drugs

BfArM warns against side effects of the beta-interferon-drugs 08/21/2014 Warning of impending side effects in multiple sclerosis treatment with interferon...

Warning about deficient drug substances

Medicines supervision: Warning of deficient drugs05/04/2014 The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is concerned that pharmaceutical companies...

Warning of diseases caused by tick bites

Number of dangerous diseases due to tick bites increases 01/04/2014 With the rising temperatures, the danger of tick bites increases....

Warning of artificial colors in sweets

Foods containing artificial colors will need to be warned across the EU from Tuesday. (19.07.2010) Foods that contain artificial colors...

Warning of germs in herring stops

Germ load: Recall action for herring started 07/19/2011 Again recall because of germ contamination in herring snacks of the company...