Warning about breast milk exchange
Ministry of Health warns about breast milk exchange
The first breast milk exchange on the Internet is online and there are already warnings from the authorities. The security standards would not be reviewed and the stock market carries high risks to the health of children.
Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml observes the establishment of a breast milk exchange on the Internet with concern. She warns against getting milk there. Because infants could suffer significant health damage.
The stock exchange on the Internet was initiated to enable private exchange of pumped breast milk. However, distribution is carried out to the knowledge of the health authorities without adequate safety standards. This carries enormous risks for the recipient child. Pumped breast milk is an ideal breeding ground for microorganisms. Sufficient hygiene is urgently needed.
Donor milk could transmit infections such as HIV or hepatitis. In addition, foreign substances such as nicotine, caffeine, drugs, alcohol or medications could harm babies. In online exchanges, a sufficient microbiological testing is not guaranteed. (Pm)