Health News - Page 1574

Meat favors pancreatic cancer

Regular consumption of meat promotes pancreatic cancer 14/01/2012 The consumption of processed meats such as sausage or bacon, according to...

Meat - Rather healthy or a disease maker?

At the topic of meat, the ghosts divide. Vegetarians and vegans reject meat for ethical and health reasons. Advocates of...

Stains on the teeth due to too much fluoride

An excess of fluoride can cause white spots on children's teeth 24/03/2014 For adults, when choosing a suitable toothpaste, especially...

Refugees second-class patients

Refugees: second-class patients 09/12/2014 Refugees who have fled poverty and misery and sought refuge in Germany are only entitled to...

Refugees with a high risk of mental illness

Consequences of war and violence cause schizophrenia and stress disordersMany people are currently fleeing war, violence and persecution. Such refugees...

Refugees in the majority healthier than expected

If many people are housed in a relatively small space, the danger increases that they infect each other with infectious...

Refugees More than half reached Germany traumatized

Especially refugees from Syria flee from hunger, war and violence. Most of the refugees therefore also have mental injuries. Psychotherapists...

Nationwide ban on e-cigarettes?

E-cigarette threatens a total ban by lawmakers 16/01/2012 Perhaps the current sales boom of e-cigarettes threatens to come to an...

Fecal bacteria in beards So germinated as toilets

Microbiologist finds fecal bacteria in beard smears  Fecal bacteria in the beard? What sounds disgusting seems, according to a study...