Meat favors pancreatic cancer

Meat favors pancreatic cancer / Health News

Regular consumption of meat promotes pancreatic cancer


The consumption of processed meats such as sausage or bacon, according to a recent study produces a significantly increased risk of pancreatic cancer. Already one sausage a day is associated with a 19 percent increase in cancer risk, researchers from the renowned Karolinska Institute in Stockholm report.

Red sausage, ham and bacon dangerous even in small quantities
Although pancreatic cancer is relatively rare even with regular meat consumption, the Swedish scientists found that the risk of disease increased by 19 percent per 50 grams of additional intake. Processed meat such as sausage or bacon therefore entails significantly higher health risks than previously assumed.

Overall, the relative risk of pancreatic cancer is low, according to Cancer Research UK experts. One of 77 men and one of 79 women contracted pancreatic carcinoma. Obesity is a major risk factor, but other risk factors need to be taken into account in pancreatic cancer, "said Sara Hiom of the World Cancer Research Fund. Apparently, the consumption of processed meat is associated with a significantly increased disease risk. Similar correlations have been identified in terms of the risk of colorectal cancer, according to the researchers, and since 2011 the UK government has recommended eating no more than 70 grams per day of red processed meat. „It is known that eating meat increases the risk of colon cancer“, explained senior scientist Susanna Larsson from the Karolinska Institute. According to the expert opposite the message transmitter „BBC“ a clear context with other cancers has been controversial so far.

Higher risk of pancreatic cancer
Now, Karolinska Institute researchers have found that data from eleven scientific studies involving 6,643 pancreatic cancer patients indicate that eating processed meat also increases the risk of pancreatic carcinoma. 50 grams of meat consumed per day increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by 19 percent. This means that an additional 100 grams of processed meat will almost double the risk, Larsson said. Since the overall outlook for a cure for pancreatic cancer is relatively poor, it is fundamentally important to know what makes the fatal disease much fostered. A reduction of the risk is therefore just as important as the early diagnosis, the researchers remind.

Vegetarian diet healthier
In another long-term study of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) researchers had observed the development of vegetarians for 21 years. After the observation period, the scientists compared the data with those of the average population. Result: People who swore from meat consumption showed significant benefits in terms of cardiovascular disease and cancer. They fell significantly less often and showed a total longer life expectancy. (Fp)

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Picture: Singe Kremer