Refugees in the majority healthier than expected

Refugees in the majority healthier than expected / Health News
If many people are housed in a relatively small space, the danger increases that they infect each other with infectious diseases. Many help seekers live together in refugee accommodation in Lower Saxony, but their health situation is better than expected.
Refugees are at risk - not dangerous
Although the experts of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) have long ago stated that there is no health risk from refugees, this did not prevent many right-wing regulars from doing the opposite. But asylum seekers are more a vulnerable group than one that poses a danger to others. Over half of them reached Germany traumatized. Now there are other reports that show that the health situation of refugees is not so bad, despite the tightness in the accommodation. As reported by the Lower Saxony State Health Office (NLGA) on request of the German Press Agency, so far less notifiable infectious diseases have broken out in refugee shelters in the country than expected.

The health of refugees is mostly good. Image: Lydia Geissler - fotolia

Weakened from the flight
The NLGA writes on its website: "In Lower Saxony and other federal states, the number of people seeking refuge has increased significantly this year. The prevention of infectious diseases is particularly important in the context of staying in dense shared accommodation. "The risk of infection is not only great, because many people live together in a small space, but also because many men, women and children are weakened by the flight and are particularly vulnerable.

No major flu outbreaks
Asylum seekers are therefore examined at admission and their vaccination status is reviewed. The authorities spokeswoman Dagmar Ziehm explained that there had been multiple chickenpox outbreaks in recent weeks despite all precautions. The affected accommodation will be blocked in such cases: then no one may be taken or relocated. According to the data, 56 chickenpox diseases have been reported since the beginning of the year. Larger influenza outbreaks have so far not been known. (Ad)