Health News - Page 14

Increasing sick leave Cold wave is causing more days off

Sick leave increases: number of days lost due to colds increased significantly German employees were ill more often last year...

Increasing digitization is a burden on family life and health

Digitization of the working world puts a strain on family life and healthAs a new study shows, the increasing digitization...

Increasing allergies spread of the highly allergenic ragweed plant

Dangerous plant: action program to slow spread of ambrosia For years, health experts have pointed to the massive spread of...

Increase in sexually transmitted diseases in Germany

Dermatologist: Sexually transmitted diseases are increasing significantly in Germany04/30/2013 Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise again throughout Germany. After...

Increase in Alzheimer's vaccine a way out

Alzheimer's: Antibody therapies may be available in just a few years 09/06/2014 The increase in Alzheimer's disease could bring the...

Increase in mental illness

DAK Health Report 2011 presented - Increase in mental illness 11.05.2011 The German Employees Health Insurance Fund (DAK) has published...

Increase in inpatient treatments

More inpatient treatments and extra staff, but decreasing number of hospital beds 09/28/2013 The number of hospital-treated patients and the...

Increase in norovirus infections How to protect yourself properly

Increased occurrence of dangerous norovirus diseases Noroviruses are found worldwide and usually cause gastrointestinal diseases in humans. Nationwide is currently...

Increase in measles cases in Germany

More and more people are suffering from measles in Germany 09/11/2013 A striking number of people suffer from measles this...