Increasing allergies spread of the highly allergenic ragweed plant

Dangerous plant: action program to slow spread of ambrosia
For years, health experts have pointed to the massive spread of the ragweed plant. The pollen of the North American mugwort ragweed can cause health problems even for non-allergic people. With an action program, the plant should be fought.
One of the strongest allergenic plants in the world
According to experts, Ambrosia is one of the strongest allergenic plants in the world. About 80 percent of allergy sufferers are therefore also against the North American mugwort ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), also called upright or mugwort ragweed, allergic. In addition, the herb can provoke hypersensitivity even in previously insensitive persons without allergy. In Bavaria, the spread of the allergy plant is to be slowed down with a nationwide action program.

Mugwort ragweed can release up to a billion pollen in the air
As stated in a statement by the Bavarian Ministry of Health, the plant, which was originally native to the USA, has been spreading wormwood ragweed in Bavaria since the 1990s.
According to information, an ambrosia plant can shed between 3,000 and 60,000 seeds in its one-year life cycle. In addition, it can release up to a billion pollen in the air.
For the main flowering plant comes late in the year - depending on the weather between August and September.
Health complaints even by small amounts
"The pollen of the North American mugwort ragweed are among the strongest allergens," said Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml.
"Even small amounts can cause health problems, even in non-allergic people," said the politician.
A leaflet from the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment explains the health problems that can occur.
"Already ten pollen per cubic meter of air are enough to trigger symptoms such as tears, itchy eyes, photosensitivity, headaches, tiredness and hay fever in pollen allergy sufferers", write the experts.
And further: "An exceptionally high proportion of sufferers also suffer from respiratory problems to asthma." In addition, the nose runs and redness can occur.
Stop spreading the dangerous plant as much as possible
According to Huml, it is now the goal "to stop the spread of the plant in Bavaria as much as possible."
Currently, 424 larger ragweed stocks are documented in the Free State. The number of unreported cases should, however, be significantly higher.
The Bavarian action program "Ambrosiabekämpfung", which began in 2007, focuses on informing citizens and combating ambrosia on a voluntary basis.
"On a voluntary basis, it has been possible to slow down the uncontrolled spread of the allergy plant. But as our accompanying monitoring shows, the numbers are still rising, "said the Minister of Health.
"Large ragweed stocks from around 100 plants should be reported to the district authorities or county administrative authorities," says Huml.
"Anyone who discovers individual plants can also eliminate them themselves. It is important to rip out the plant only with gloves and to wear a mask on already flowering plants. The plant remains should be disposed of in a plastic bag with household waste. "(Ad)