Health News - Page 120

Less salt prevents heart disease

Those who start saving salt when they are young prevent heart disease. If children and adolescents start taking advantage of...

Less risks Heart operations in the afternoon are much better

Heart surgeries should be performed best in the afternoon According to a recent study from France, cardiac surgery works best...

Less back pain due to positive body image

Body image influences intensity of back pain 09/24/2014 Back pain can be related to a variety of factors, such as...

Less smoking due to work stress?

People smoke less when they have more stress at work? Scientists from the University of Cologne came to a study...

Less puffing and bloated belly Instead of cabbage better Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage: tender cabbage from the Middle KingdomWhite cabbage and red cabbage are so heavy in the stomach. A good...

Less pesticide in food

Constant low pesticide contamination in food 04/14/2015 In the year 2013, the residues of pesticides in food remained at a...

Less means of homeopathy available

The availability of homeopathic remedies in Germany and Europe is decreasing 24/05/2011 Homeopathic remedies, together with other special forms of...

Less migraine attacks in pregnancy

Less migraine attacks in pregnancy Women who suffer from migraine often experience marked relief from the symptoms during pregnancy -...

Less Mers Infections The danger is not over yet

South Korea: Caution despite declining Mers new infectionsSince the first Mers case in South Korea was reported in May, more...