Less salt prevents heart disease
Those who start saving salt when they are young prevent heart disease.
If children and adolescents start taking advantage of their salt intake early on, the risk of subsequent cardiovascular diseases can be reduced. But even young people often resort to strongly salted ready meals and fast food products (salt in ready meals). In the US alone, adolescents take up to nine grams of salt each day. If they saved at least three grams of salt, the subsequent risk of heart disease could be reduced, according to the US American Heart Society.
Researchers at the University of California at San Francisco have used a PC model study to calculate the health benefits of saving young people an average of three grams of salt each day. The science team led by Kirstin Bibbins-Domingo came to the conclusion that this reduces the risk factor for high blood pressure between 44 and 63 percent. In terms of the US, this would theoretically be 380,000 to over half a million (550,000) fewer hypertensive patients. „Adolescents could live hypertension free for much longer if more food manufacturers tried to use salt more sparingly“, explained Dr. Bibbins Domingo.
Save salt even in old age
However, this does not mean that older people can not restrict salt intake for their health. After all, in the age groups 35 to 50, the risk of heart disease is reduced by 30 to 43 percent. In theory, this would be 2.7 to 3.9 million fewer high-pressure patients. With increasing age, however, the positive factor of reduced salt intake decreases. This is because older people add more risk factors that would not exist at a young age. Nevertheless, reduced salt intake could result in 8 to 14 percent fewer heart attacks and 5 to 8 percent fewer strokes.
Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for strokes and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, more and more scientists and physicians are calling for the salt content in the food industry to be limited. About 80 percent of the salt intake comes from finished products. Salt hides pasta, ready meals and fast food, said Kirstin Bibbins-Domingo. For young people, pizza is the most important salt supplier.
Less salt, better taste
Those who refrain from too much salt at a young age experience another positive side effect: „The taste expectancy could change in favor of low salted foods.“ Kirstin Bibbins-Domingo explained. As a result, the sense of taste affects a variety of differentiated. The study was presented at the Scientific Sessions 2010 of the American Heart Association. The daily requirement of a healthy adult is only 2 g to 3 g of saline per day. Alternatively, spices and herbs in fresh, dried or frozen form can refine the food in a variety of ways. (sb 16.11.2010)
Also read:
Too much harmful salt in ready meals
How many hours of sleep are healthy?
Picture credits: RainerSturm