Health News - Page 1154

No time for sports? Already 15 minutes HIIT training protect against diabetes

How does HIIT affect insulin sensitivity?? Many people do not exercise enough, which leads to overweight, obesity and various diseases....

No wound but cancer! Often wrong diagnoses in black skin cancer

Black skin cancer often detected too lateSkin cancer is one of the most common cancers in Germany. Up to 200,000...

No living community of guard comforters

VG Dusseldorf: nursing service must tolerate home careFor the most part people in need of care, such as waking coma...

No effect of Okoubaka in a study

Study: Drug testing with Okoubaka09/18/2013 The drug picture of Okoubaka aubrevillei was examined in a new drug trial. In homeopathy,...

No effective cannabis medicine for Hartz IV recipients

Social Court Trier: unemployed people have treatment alternativesThose affected by Hartz IV should be denied alternative cannabis therapy, although scientific...

No more Ebola infected in the US

Preliminary all-clear: No further Ebola infected in USA05/10/2014 In the fight against Ebola, the health authorities in the US have...

No Christmas and New Year celebrations because of Ebola

Sierra Leone: WHO finds dozens of Ebola corpses13/12/2014 In Sierra Leone, all public Christmas and New Year's Eve parties were...

No waiting? Kassenärztliche associations arrange appointments with the specialist

Whether dermatologist, ENT specialist or the expert for knee injuries: Getting an appointment with a specialist in many cases seems...

No blame when children scratches

Children scrape, parents should not respond with allegations or penalties 04.10.2012 Some children scratch during puberty to relieve emotional tensions....