Ozone limits in Hesse and NRW exceeded
Many people are sensitive to the irritant gas ozone
The persistently high temperatures and cloud-free weather conditions result in a significant increase in ozone levels. In Hesse, an exceedance of the limit of 180 micrograms of ozone per cubic meter of air was detected on early Monday evening, according to the announcement of the State Office for the Environment and Geology in Wiesbaden. Also, for example, in Marburg (185.7 micrograms of ozone per cubic meter of air at 13 o'clock) an exceedance of the limit value had been measured. In North Rhine-Westphalia, some measuring points have also detected a limit value violation today, reports the State Office for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia.
„Ozone may cause respiratory health at higher concentrations“, warns the Hessian State Office for Environment and Geology. Outdoor activities should therefore be avoided and sporting activities should be reduced, or rather put into the morning hours. Particularly vulnerable people and children would already have to cope with slight overruns of the limit in some cases with significant problems. If values of more than 240 micrograms of ozone per cubic meter of air are reached, even more resistant persons will experience complaints such as respiratory irritation with corresponding difficulty in breathing, increased cough, mucosal irritation, lacrimation and headache. Not infrequently, the symptoms are initially confused by those affected with a summer flu.
High levels of pollutants in the air favor exceeding of ozone limits
Should the summer weather continue, the ozone levels could continue to rise in the coming days and possibly reach an exceeding of the official alarm value of 240 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Accordingly serious would be the possible health impairments in the population. Responsible for the increase in ozone levels are, in addition to the high temperatures, especially the low air movement and humidity. The values are particularly high in regions with heavy pollutants in the air (mostly urban areas), as ozone is produced, among other things, when the air pollutants are split by the sunlight.
Long-term health damage from ozone
The serious consequences that ozone can have on health are particularly evident when looking at the long-term effects of the irritant gas. So reported the „Rheinische Post“ citing the testimony of US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) experts, recent studies have shown how ozone can cause long-term damage to the heart and cardiovascular disease. Due to the ozone load, heart cells would be animated to programmed cell death. Sport is particularly critical at elevated ozone concentrations as the individual load correlates with the amount of breath. During physical exertion, the respiratory rate increases, which causes increased ozone uptake even if ozone levels remain the same.
Children particularly at risk from high ozone levels
Infants are particularly at risk from high concentrations of ozone, as they inhale more air at rest than adults (in relation to body weight), reports the Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ). Thus, they absorb more ozone without additional physical stress. If children suffer from allergic respiratory problems such as pollen allergy or asthma, the increasing ozone concentration can generally be a considerable burden for them, the BVKJ continues. Not infrequently, in addition to the above-mentioned respiratory and mucosal irritations also show an increase in heart rate or tachycardia, reports the Association of pediatricians. The BVKJ experts recommend that parents should allow their children to play in cool rooms at elevated ozone concentrations in the hours between 11 and 22 o'clock and avoid all physical exertion in the open air. Romp and sport is taboo, even if that is often difficult to convey to the children. (Fp)
Also read about ozone:
Health risk due to increased ozone concentration
High ozone levels can damage the heart
Health: Ozone levels continue to rise
Increased ozone levels endanger your health
High ozone levels aggravate allergies
Air pollution damages children's health
Photo credits: Luise