Easter eggs harmless for cholesterol levels
Cholesterol in the Easter egg consumption usually harmless
Egg consumption in Germany increases drastically at Easter every year. The hard-boiled, brightly painted Easter eggs are consumed on a massive scale. The body can absorb up to 500 milligrams of cholesterol daily via the intestine, emphasized Professor Dr. med. Achim Weizel, Chairman of the Lipid League in Wiesbaden.
According to the expert, the Easter egg's markedly higher egg consumption usually poses no threat to health. Although the cholesterol content of the eggs is repeatedly warned, even higher egg consumption is not a problem for people with normal blood lipid levels , said the chairman of the Lipid League. Because the amount of cholesterol that a person can absorb via the intestine is limited.
The maximum intake of cholesterol is limited
Although the Germans consume tons of easter eggs, the amount of cholesterol consumed per day is limited to an average of 500 milligrams. More could not absorb the human body in one day and the remainder would be excreted. Achim Weizel. There is no danger that the organism will be overloaded with cholesterol through food intake, the expert emphasized. However, people who are already suffering from high blood lipid levels should refrain from consuming eggs at Easter.
Negative health consequences of an elevated cholesterol level
Because an elevated cholesterol level can bring significant health problems in the long run. For example, blood lipids may accumulate on the arterial walls of the arteries, causing arteriosclerosis, which is the main cause of coronary heart disease (coronary heart disease). The cholesterol-related heart disease also increases the risk of heart attack, which is why patients with chronically elevated blood lipid levels, the consumption of vegetable rather than animal fats is recommended Weizel. (Fp)
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Image: Angelina Ströbel