Osteoporosis Risk Diabetes also goes to the bones

Osteoporosis Risk Diabetes also goes to the bones / Health News
Diabetes: Prevent broken bones by preventing osteoporosis
People who suffer from diabetes are at an increased risk for osteoporosis and thus also for broken bones. Diabetics should therefore be specifically examined for bone metabolism disorder and treated, my health expert.

Increased risk of bone fracture due to diabetes
Although over six million people in Germany are affected by osteoporosis, many do not know for a long time about their bone metabolism disorder. Also in other countries many patients do not receive a correct diagnosis. In affected persons, the resulting reduced bone density leads to an increased fracture risk. "Even people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of osteoporosis and thus also fractures," writes the German Diabetes Association (DDG) in a recent release.

People with diabetes are at an increased risk for osteoporosis and therefore also for broken bones. Diabetics should therefore be specifically examined for the bone metabolism disorder and treated. (Image: Andrey Popov / fotolia.com)

Vitamin D deficiency as a cause
Broken bones can cause complications such as immobility, pneumonia or long-term disability. According to the experts, secondary diseases are associated with considerable medical costs and an increased risk of death.

The cause of osteoporosis can be a vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, it is repeatedly pointed out by experts that sufficient sun-soaking is an important contribution to protect against osteoporosis.

Individual diabetes medications can also weaken bone health. Therefore, diabetics should be targeted for osteoporosis and treated early.

Stability of human bones
As the DDG explains, the stability of human bone is hereditary and early affected by environmental factors. In early adulthood, the bone density is therefore highest and decreases slowly in the rest of life. However, diabetes mellitus can speed up the breakdown and promote fractures, especially if the duration of diabetes is prolonged.

"It's important to know if people are less physically active, if diabetes is good or bad, what diabetes medications are taken and if they have vitamin D deficiency," said diabetologist Professor Dr. med. med. Klaus Badenhoop.

Reliable effect on bone metabolism
A vitamin D deficiency is not uncommon in healthy people, but he is particularly common in diabetes. Low levels of vitamin D are particularly prevalent in the elderly, according to DDG.

In addition to food intake, most of the daily vitamin D requirement is produced by the body through the skin. Due to its proven effects on bone metabolism, vitamin D is the basic therapy for osteoporosis. The bones need sun.

"In addition, a vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for various other chronic diseases," said Professor Badenhoop. Researchers are also investigating whether vitamin D deficiency even affects the development of type 1 diabetes in adolescence.

However, it can already be said that a vitamin D deficiency in existing diabetes mellitus must be avoided and treated. "People with diabetes, whether type 1 or 2, should not wait until they have broken their bones," warned Professor Badenhoop: "A blood test at the family doctor can quickly diagnose the deficiency and early treatment can prevent late damage."

Focus on early diabetes detection
Professor Badenhoop is also conference president of the 10th Autumn Conference of the German Diabetes Association (DDG), which takes place under the motto "Diabetes and Family: Prevent - Recognize - Relieve" in Nuremberg.

This year's World Diabetes Day on 14th November is dedicated to the theme of "eyes on diabetes" and focuses on type 2 diabetes and its early detection. By early detection of the disease, it is easier to prevent consequential damage. (Ad)