Osteoporosis Timely risk assessment

Osteoporosis Timely risk assessment / Health News

Osteoporosis: Timely risk assessment from 45 recommended


Osteoporosis is considered the most common bone disease in Germany. If the bone mass decreases, this leads to permanent impairment in the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system. Bone loss - the colloquial term - is one of the typical diseases of old age for men and women over 45 years, since from this point natural bone resorption is increasingly used. Orthopedic surgeons recognize the first signs of a possible illness in good time, advises orthonet-NRW, an association of orthopedic doctors in North Rhine-Westphalia. Therefore, it is recommended for risk groups and people over 45 years to have an osteoporosis examination made by a specialist. Also because so far only about 20 percent of the disease are detected in time.

Causes of bone loss are versatile. About 30 percent of all women suffer from bone loss after menopause, making them the largest risk group. Family cases, smoking, certain medications and calcium or vitamin deficiencies are other risks that promote osteoporosis. „Orthopedic surgeons use an initial history survey to identify threats and diagnose osteoporosis at an early stage“, explains Dr. Ramin Nazemi, practicing orthopedist and board member of the orthonet-NRW. For women over the age of 45, it makes sense to have their own disease risk assessed by regular check-ups at the specialist. Based on this urgency and time intervals of a bone density measurement determines. Imaging procedures are then used to determine density or calcium salt content in the bone. Experts are measuring bone density using a DXA exam, which is the most accurate measurement method today. Another method is computed tomography. In addition, orthopedic surgeons have further examination options available. In a 'timed-up-and-go' test, they measure how long patients need to perform certain everyday movements. Significant loss of size also indicates osteoporosis. Such indicators are determined by experts using distance measurements between the pelvic and ribs.

Medicinal therapies with vitamins, calcium and, for example, bisphosphonates relieve symptoms. As a rule, the duration of a treatment is two to three years. During this period, it is recommended that you regularly perform bone density measurements to see success of the therapy. In already advanced disease, there are often bone or vertebral fractures, including in the back. „New treatment methods, such as radiofrequency kyphoplasty, allow the targeted erection of affected vertebrae in severe cases“, describes Dr. Nazemi. With the help of fine special instruments, orthopedists guide rubber-like cement into the vertebra. Rapid hardening of the cement prevents damage to surrounding areas. (Pm)