Osteopathy should not be a crime

Osteopathy should not be a crime / Health News
Osteopathic associations demand in an expert hearing before the members of the AG Health of the coalition fractions the legal regulation of the profession "Osteopath" for more patient safety and legal certainty.

Associations call out: "Osteopathy can no longer be a criminal offense!" Image: karelnoppe - fotolia

The osteopath is not an independent state recognized profession in this country; Exercise and training are not fixed and the practice of osteopathy without a non-medical practitioner permit constitutes a criminal offense. In an expert hearing on Wednesday in front of the members of the AG health coalition of CDU / CSU and SPD in the Bundestag, the two largest professional associations, Association of Osteopathic Germany ( VOD) eV and the Federal Association of Osteopathy (BVO) eV, underlined the need for regulation again.

The associations agree: Only a federal law can bring about long-overdue quality assurance for osteopathy and legal certainty for osteopaths. You can read more about the background here. (Pm)