Osteopathy not a pure physiotherapy treatment technique

Osteopathy not a pure physiotherapy treatment technique / Health News
Contrary to a controversial amendment, osteopathy is not integrated into the further education and examination regulations of physiotherapy training.

(Image: bmf-foto.de/fotolia.com)

The amendment to the Nursing Welfare Act (PSG) III will no longer be pursued. This provided that osteopathy as a physiotherapeutic treatment technique with only 60 hours of training should be incorporated into the advanced training and examination physiotherapy.

"This would have been an attack on patient safety and would have caused massive damage to osteopathy in Germany," the members of the consensus group Osteopathy Germany agree. It is therefore pleasing that the procedure succeeded in persuading parliamentarians not to pursue the project.

The Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland (VOD) e.V. had denied the consultation in the German Bundestag for the consensus group.