Online advertising of unhealthy foods favors child obesity

Online advertising of unhealthy foods favors child obesity / Health News
No Control: Internet advertising for the unhealthy makes kids fat
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the negative consequences of online advertising of unhealthy foods. According to the experts, targeted advertising on the Internet leads to children becoming more and more overweight. This is also possible because there is no control.

Eating habits of children are influenced by advertising
A few weeks ago, US researchers reported on a study that showed that advertising has a massive impact on children's eating habits. According to this, TV commercials mean that the little ones tend to have an impulsive choice of food that is more based on taste than on health. However, online advertising for adolescents plays at least as big a role today as it does on television. There is little control on the internet. This makes it easier for producers of unhealthy foods to promote their products. This can be extremely detrimental to your health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the negative consequences of online advertising of unhealthy eating. Targeted advertising promotes overweight in children. (Image: Syda Productions /

Online advertising for unhealthy foods
The World Health Organization (WHO) has now highlighted the negative consequences of online advertising of unhealthy eating. In a study for the European area, the experts found that especially children are among the victims. The constant confrontation with targeted advertising thus leads to the fact that the small overweight is promoted. The advertisement must urgently be better regulated.

Many parents underestimate the danger
Most people are aware that food advertising should be very critical. After all, there are always inadmissible health promises in this area.

When advertising on the Internet, however, this risk is often underestimated by parents. This has to do with the fact that ads on the net - especially in social media - are often tailored to the individual user. As a result, the parents get other advertising displayed as their offspring. In addition, there would be virtually no checks on the Internet.

A quarter of European schoolchildren too fat
"We keep observing that children - our most vulnerable group - are exposed to countless hidden digital marketing techniques that promote foods high in fat, sugar and salt," Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Director for Europe, according to a statement.

This threatens devastating consequences. According to the information, about one quarter of all schoolchildren in Europe would already be overweight. Worldwide, according to the WHO, even 41 million young children are far too fat.

Health and economic consequences
According to Dr. Gauden Galea from the WHO would keep over 60 percent of all children who are overweight before adolescence, even in adulthood. "That makes for a bleak future. Because we know that overweight and obesity are among the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes, "says the expert.

"Allowing advertisers and food manufacturers to market products with high salt, fat and sugar levels on inadequate regulatory digital platforms can have major health and economic consequences," said Dr. Galea.

Legally regulate online advertising
The WHO sees European politicians as responsible. Governments should legislate against harmful online advertising. "It is the responsibility of policymakers to recognize the new threat posed by digitally marketing food for children and act swiftly." Jakab. (Ad)