Often burn injuries in childhood

Often burn injuries in childhood / Health News

Common burn injuries from hot fluids in childhood


The most common accidents in infancy include burns with hot liquids such as cocoa or tea. With the action day „caution hot!“ This Saturday, attention should be drawn to the dangers.

Every year more than 30,000 children with burn injuries
To point out the dangers that can emanate from hot liquids for children, calls „Paulinchen - Initiative for burnt children e.V.“ Today, Saturday, the seventh of December, the „Day of the burnt child“ („“) out. The day of action is under the motto: „caution hot!“ and takes place for the fourth time. Every year, more than 30,000 children suffer burns and scalds nationwide that need medical care. In the process, around 6,000 children are injured so badly that treatment has to be done in the hospital. The majority of accidents that cause burns occur in children under the age of five.

Often associated with lifelong consequences
Burn injuries cause severe pain and are usually associated with lengthy treatments. Depending on the degree of burns, sometimes surgery and even weeks to months of hospitalization are necessary. Often, even after years, a therapeutic treatment is necessary. In addition, the accident itself may be traumatic to the child and the permanent scars usually compromise the rest of life.

Toddlers need meaning of „caution hot!“ learn
The initiative Paulinchen advises those affected by such accidents and helps in the selection of care. With today's day of action Paulinchen wants to draw attention to the consequences of thermal injuries in childhood, their treatment, the risk of accidents and first aid. According to experts, prevention could prevent about 60 percent of all accidents. „It is very important that toddlers, once they become mobile, learn what it means when something is dangerously hot“, explains Adelheid Gottwald, chairman of the association Paulinchen. „Parents should be aware of the dangers in the home environment and adapt the safety measures again and again to the ever-increasing range of their children.“

Parents need to be aware of risks
The managing director of the Federal Working Group for More Safety for Children (BAG), Martina Abel, emphasizes the importance of warning against the dangers: „It is very important for parents to be aware of the risks posed by fire and hot liquids.“ The graduate psychologist continues: „Only mothers and fathers who know the dangers can protect their children.“ The dangers are often underestimated. Even a cup of hot tea can be enough to scald up to 30 percent of the skin of a toddler. Hot surfaces such as hotplates or irons, open fires, sockets or acidic liquids can also be dangerous.

Focus on fire prevention education
The fire prevention education is in this year in the focus of the action day. Children should not only be kept away from heat sources, parents should also explain the dangers to them. This also applies to the educators and teachers in kindergartens and schools. Professor Dr. Bert Reichert, President of the German Association for Burn Medicine and Chief Physician of the Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery at the Klinikum Nürnberg Süd, explains why even small burns can have major consequences: „A burnt palm is a relatively small area, but involves a complicated treatment.“ He further explains: „The scars on the hand do not grow and contract, so these children have to be operated again and again.“

Get the child to the doctor as soon as possible
However, in spite of all precautions to burns, it is advised to keep the injured area immediately for 10 to 15 minutes under cool water. It should be noted that the water should not be colder than 15 degrees, otherwise there is a risk of hypothermia. Basically, the child should be brought to a doctor or clinic as soon as possible or an emergency doctor should be called. To the „Day of the burnt child“ Actions are taking place nationwide with the participation of clinics, fire brigades, medical practices, pharmacies, medical supply centers, kindergartens as well as organizations and persons dealing with thermal injuries in childhood. (Ad)