Offline Trend Young people want to use less smartphone in 2019

Offline Trend Young people want to use less smartphone in 2019 / Health News

Good intentions for 2019: Younger people want to use less digital media

Although a smartphone waiver is especially difficult for many young people, but according to a recent survey plans every second German citizens aged 14 to 29 years in the coming year to use less digital media. However, the most important intention for 2019 is still to avoid or reduce stress.

Significantly increased offline trend

Smartphones, mobile phones and tablets have become an indispensable everyday companion for many people. Especially for the majority of teenagers a life without the small devices is hardly conceivable today. It is therefore to be welcomed that many young people are planning for the coming year to use less digital media. According to a survey, the offline trend among young people has increased in recent years by almost 70 percent.

According to a recent survey, offline times are becoming increasingly popular. Almost every second German citizen between the ages of 14 and 29 wants to restrict digital media consumption in the coming year. (Image: juliasudnitskaya /

Health impairments

Over the past few years, studies have repeatedly documented the negative effects that digitization has on health.

For example, it has been shown that devices such as smartphones or tablets in children and adolescents reduce the quality of sleep and lead to speech and concentration disorders.

In addition, experts assume that the constant use of smartphones will increase myopia.

Furthermore, threatened by the posture with lowered head postural disorders such as neck tension.

Therefore, the result of a representative Forsa survey on behalf of DAK health is hopeful: offline times are becoming increasingly popular.

Especially younger people want to restrict digital media consumption

As the health insurance company writes in a communication, the number of people who want to switch off more often since 2014 has risen from 15 to 25 percent.

The offline trend is especially clear among young people between the ages of 14 and 29, with one in two (49 percent) planning to restrict digital media consumption in 2019 - an increase of 69 percent compared to 2014.

"If you turn off your smartphone and computer more often, it will keep you relaxed and promote your ability to concentrate," explained Franziska Kath, a certified psychologist at DAK-Gesundheit.

"Sleep is also improving. And that, in turn, is a crucial factor in being more balanced, more efficient and healthier. "

Desire for less stress

In the first place of the good intentions is again the desire for stress reduction. 62 percent of Germans are committed to reducing or avoiding stress in the new year.

In second place is the intention to spend more time with family and friends (60 percent). At 73 percent, this is especially the case for people between 30 and 44 years of age.

Classics such as more sports and healthier nutrition follow with 57 and 49 percent. One in nine wants to use the turn of the year to quit smoking. That's two percentage points more than last year.

This way, intentions can be implemented

According to the DAK survey, every second German was able to keep his good intentions for the new year four months and longer (54 percent).

Above all, people in the north (67 percent) and in North Rhine-Westphalia (59 percent) stayed on the ball for a long time.

Graduate psychologist Franziska Kath considers the turn of the year to be a good time for change and explains how resolutions can be implemented.

"It's best to approach your intentions with a very specific plan. What do you want to change and in what time? "

The expert suggests four steps to successful implementation:

1. Imagine a goal for a specific period of time
2. Draw the most beautiful results
3. Think about the obstacles that can arise
4. Determine how you react to these obstacles. (Ad)