Only stationery from unloaded wood

Only stationery from unloaded wood / Health News

Pay attention to stationery made of unencumbered wood


At the end of the holiday, parents have to buy new stationery for their schoolchildren. But of all the writing utensils are often afflicted with harmful substances. In the past, so-called special offers in many cases have been particularly strained, as the Stiftung Warentest reports.

Children have stationery in their hands almost all day at school. But just just those writing pads, pens and notebooks are often afflicted with harmful substances. When accessing special offers, it is important to take a close look at the product, as Thomas Müller of Stiftung Warentest warned. Therefore, parents should not indiscriminately access the bargain offers. Often lurk in those offers numerous pollutants that can be toxic, as the expert explained.

Test stationery with all your senses
For a test, it makes sense, the products „to check with all senses“. The self-questions are: „Is it well made? Is there an address of the supplier on the packaging? Smells the product repellent?“

Special caution is also advisable with the crayons. It would be best, „on natural wood without colored varnish layer“ to grasp back, as Müller advises. In many paints, for example, banned plasticizers are included, as the Stiftung Warentest has already determined in some tests. For erasers, it is important that they are without PVC fabrics or made of natural rubber. „These erasers can do without the dangerous phthalate softeners“.

Rulers should also be set to nature. „Flexible rulers made of plastic are chic. But healthier are those made of unencumbered wood.“ Another advantage: „They also last longer.“ (Sb)

Picture: Marvin Siefke