Only with body weight training without equipment

Only with body weight training without equipment / Health News

Fitness Without Equipment: Makes workout only with bodyweight fitter?


"Less hip gold and more muscle": Who wants to achieve this, not necessarily go to the gym. You can also train at home - only with your own body weight. There are various options for this, including a training method developed by a fitness coach from the USA. This comes without devices.

Exercise muscles in the gym
People who want to fight their overweight or obesity often choose to visit a gym. Many fitness fans also think that only training in such studios is effective against excess pounds or a lack of abs. Muscles can actually be exercised on the devices. But the exercises do not necessarily make the body more efficient. As the „Frankfurter Rundschau“ (FR) reported online, the American fitness coach Mark Lauren is in any case convinced that your own body weight is sufficient for training completely.

Method completely without devices
According to Lauren, his method not only works completely without any equipment, but also aims to make him fit holistically and not only train individual muscle groups like exercises on fitness equipment. „It is good in the exercises to deal with your own body instead of a fitness machine“, so the expert. However, such methods are not completely new. For example, a few months ago it was reported that fitness training without devices is in vogue. Reference was made to the fact that more and more gyms offer their members a training without technical aids and machines, the so-called „Functional Training“.

Healthier and more efficient
Exercising on the whole must make us healthier and more efficient, says Lauren. In his book „Fit without devices“ he explains: „It's not just about building muscle and breaking down fat. It is about developing effective patterns of movement that can be transferred to other life situations.“ One of the goals is to be able to cope with everyday tasks more easily. For example, it is important for Lauren, for example, to drag furniture, not only to be able to lift the arm muscles well, in order not to catch a lumbago. Since many different muscle groups are needed when hauling heavy objects and other work, the fitness trainer recommends that you always train the antagonist, ie the opposing muscle: „Do you know the handle in the cross after a long gardening? The congestion of the back muscles when bending over counteracts with a tight abdominal and shoulder girdle muscles.“

„A holistic approach“
To relieve the back, according to Lauren also offer abdominal muscle exercises. You should also keep fit with workouts in which many muscle groups are trained at once. As the FR continues to write, it is also in the opinion of Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne, the better method, not always isolated muscles to train in isolation: „A holistic approach makes that possible „exerciser“ The body, which we always carry around with us and with which we master our everyday life, makes a lot of sense.“ However, some of Lauren's exercises are not really that innovative. Among other things, there are pushups, sit-ups and squats. Lauren, who actually developed his program for elite soldiers, said that this was not an obstacle to normalos, as anyone could train on a level that suited their own fitness. In his publications are exercises, such as „The climber“, „leg Twist“ or „Lateral triceps stretcher“ to find. Also Ingo Froböse gives in his book „The Muscle Workout: Over 100 highly efficient exercises without equipment“ many tips.

Sport should be fun
But if you look for new methods in the style of Mark Lauren, the „Functional Training“, classic gym equipment or other sports decides: Sport is basically healthy. For example, adequate physical activity has been shown to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis and many other diseases. Not least because the sports activities also strengthen the immune system. However, it depends on the right degree. Sport should be fun, but not constantly overburdening the body. (Ad)

Image: Julien Christ