North Korea super drink Koryo Liquor intoxicated without hangover complaints

North Korea super drink Koryo Liquor intoxicated without hangover complaints / Health News

New from North Korea: high-proof drink without hangover
North Korea reported last year on the development of "Kumdang-2," a panacea that allegedly defeated diseases such as Mers, Ebola, and HIV. Now there is again news from the East Asian country: Researchers allegedly produced a high-percentage drink, which should cause no hangover.
Health complains about alcohol consumption
Headache, dizziness and nausea: Everyone knows the symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption. Those affected can then get relief with one or the other home remedy for hangovers. Of course, it is better not to drink so much that it comes to complaints. Or you resort to alcoholic drinks that can not cause any hangovers. Anyone who thinks they do not exist does not yet know "Koryo Liquor", a new super drink from North Korea.

New drink from North Korea should cause no hangover. Image: asierromero - fotolia

High-percentage super drink leaves no hangover
North Korean researchers reported on a miracle vaccine they developed against Mers, Ebola and HIV last year, and they have now come up with another groundbreaking invention. They allegedly made a high-proof drink that left no hangover. According to a recent news agency AFP, the stately newspaper Pyongyang Times reported in its latest issue that "Koryo Liquor" is made from six-year-old ginseng and baked sticky rice and has 30 to 40 percent alcohol.

Excellent "Koryo Liquor"
Ginseng has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for various ailments. In natural medicine, the ginseng root is recommended among other things as a home remedy for potency disorders. The new super drink taste according to the information equally "sweet and hearty" and will be "highly appreciated" because it does not cause a headache. According to the newspaper, "Koryo Liquor" has already won many prizes, including being voted the best drink at the state fair for hard liquor in the past year.

Revolutionary medical developments
In North Korea's media are repeatedly (supposed) gigantic achievements of the country and its leadership praised. Among other things, it reports on the sheer inhumane sporting abilities of political leaders or on revolutionary scientific and medical developments. As in the summer of last year, when the development of "Kumdang-2" was reported. This remedy can protect against incurable viral diseases such as Mers, Ebola or HIV and also cure tuberculosis and cancer. It even helped with pregnancy sickness and "damage resulting from overuse of computers," was reported at the time. Evidence for the miracle power is not available. Since even the new super drink in the West should not be available, friends of the extensive alcohol consumption must probably rely on home remedies and tricks from experts to fight their alcohol hangover. (Ad)