It is best to restrict atopic dermatitis more clearly

It is best to restrict atopic dermatitis more clearly / Health News
Chinese herbs derive "cloudy heat"
In the chronic skin disease eczema, acute inflammatory episodes usually alternate with chronic illnesses. In the acute stage, the skin is swollen, red and dry-flaky or she is wet.

In any case, the skin itches very much and sufferers often scratch the skin bloody. Atopic dermatitis is one of the atopic diseases, ie "diseases, without a fixed place", and they can be reflected in different ways. They also include hay fever, asthma or food intolerances, which many suffer from atopic dermatitis sufferers or have suffered in an earlier stage of life. The concepts of Chinese medicine treat these diffuse atopic diseases well. Due to the holistic treatment, 80 percent of patients experience a clear improvement in their symptoms.

Image: Gina Sanders

In Chinese medicine, the focus is not always on the affected organ, but on the misguided process that leads to the disease, "explains Dr. med. Christian Schmincke, chief physician at the Steigerwald Clinic, explains why the theories of Chinese medicine so often lead to success in practice. Through a physical examination and detailed discussions, the pathological processes are first revealed. Comprehensive pulmonary and tongue diagnosis provisionally concludes the disease. "We often see that many atopic dermatitis patients already have an increased susceptibility to infections with frequent, recurrent and aggravating colds in early childhood."

From the Chinese point of view, atopic dermatitis usually represents a detoxification attempt on the body. In the case of unproductive inflammation of the respiratory organs, allergic or infectious, abundant inflammatory products, the so-called "cloudy heat", which transgress into the blood and lymph. The body then transports them out of the blood into the skin. There, however, the elimination possibilities, in contrast to the mucous membranes, very limited. It comes to the congestion of metabolic end products that lead to inflammation. The intention of the body to excrete poisons is also made clear by the fact that the itching shortly ceases as soon as the blood and lymph have been eliminated by scratching.

The main pillar of Chinese medicine is the Chinese drug therapy. Individually prescribed decoctions from Chinese herbs thus permanently lead to the elimination of symptoms and symptom relief. In the treatment of eczema is often the gift of herbs, barks and tubers in focus, counteract the "murky heat" and thus lead inflammation products from the body. In addition to Chinese drug therapy also acupuncture and sometimes moxibustion, so the heat treatments of acupuncture points are used. In addition, patients should refrain from certain foods. This makes it possible to stem the "cloudy heat" in the blood. Many neurodermatitis sufferers experience alleviation of their symptoms by avoiding alcohol and white sugar. The absence of dairy products usually leads to a significant relief of the symptoms. (Pm)