New study on arteriosclerosis Blood lipids but no cause of arteriosclerosis

New study on arteriosclerosis Blood lipids but no cause of arteriosclerosis / Health News
Cardiac surgeon: Fat deposits in arteriosclerosis do not come from the blood
Arteriosclerosis is a widespread disease that often leads to deadly cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. The cause of arteriosclerosis is fats from the blood. But according to a new theory, that is not the case. A physician says that the deposits are remnants of dead cells of the vessel wall.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 17.5 million deaths annually are attributed to diseases of the cardiovascular system. In Germany they are cause of death number one. Arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) has dramatic consequences for the cardiovascular system. The most common are heart attack and stroke. But how does arteriosclerosis come about? According to a German specialist, fats do not result from the blood, but supply disorders on the outer wall of the vessel lead to arteriosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis often leads to deadly diseases such as heart attack and stroke. On the question of how arteriosclerosis arises, a heart expert now has a new theory. (Image: magele-picture /

Heart expert challenges common theory
According to a statement of the Hannover Medical School (MHH), the doctrine that has been held for decades regarding the cause of arteriosclerosis is based on a "calcification" of the arteries, such as the coronary arteries, because fats from the blood on the inner wall of the blood vessels attach. As a reaction of the immune system there forms the so-called plaque, which can clog the vessel over time.

But the heart surgeon Professor dr. Axel Haverich, Director of the Clinic for Cardiac, Thoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery of the MHH, represents an entirely different theory in an article in the journal "Circulation".

The physician is convinced that the fatty deposits do not come from the blood, but are rather remnants of dead cells of the vessel wall.

Closures of the supply blood vessels by inflammation
Most common cause of occlusion of the supply blood vessels in the outer wall of the artery - the so-called Vasa vasorum - are inflammatory reactions caused by viruses, bacteria and fine dust, but also by harmful fat particles (oxidized LDL cholesterol).

The dead cells, including the fat remnants, are broken down by the immune system. The repair processes of the immune system produce "cell wastes", the so-called plaques, which lead to a thickening of the inner wall of the arteries and can finally cause a closure of the mother vessel.

Only certain sections calcified
"During hundreds of bypass operations, we found that only certain sections of the coronary arteries were calcified while the same vessel was never pathologically altered elsewhere," said Professor Haverich.

"We also made this observation in other river areas, for example in the thigh. The common feature of arteriosclerosis-free areas was that they were surrounded by muscle on the outside. Since all smaller human arteries are rarely affected anyway, it must be doubted that the process a) represents a generalized disease that b) begins on the inner wall. "

Discovery of new risk factors
His doubts about the previous doctrine were also nurtured by the discovery of new risk factors for arteriosclerosis: For example, in numerous studies of other scientists in recent years a clear connection between an increased heart attack rate and the occurrence of influenza epidemics with pneumonia, but also by particulate matter Exposure detected.

In addition, more than 30 different microbes have been isolated by their DNA in arteriosclerotic plaques. These relationships can not be explained with the previous theory of elevated blood lipids alone.

Healthy food and physical activities
The new theory for the development of arteriosclerosis offers extended starting points for the development of innovative treatment approaches of the disease.

Until these are available to patients, Professor Haverich recommends the prevention of arteriosclerosis: "In addition to the well-known, favorable habits such as healthy nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise, the prevention and control of infections as prevention of dangerous arteriosclerosis should be considered. These include, for example, the regular flu vaccine, the remediation of chronic inflammation and - above all - physical activity. "(Ad)