Nelson Mandela out of the hospital

Nelson Mandela out of the hospital / Health News

Nobel Peace Prize Winner is maintained at home: Nelson Mandela released from hospital


After nearly three months, the South African national hero Nelson Mandela was released from the hospital on Sunday, the Bureau announced. His condition was still critical, but he could get the same care at home.

Presidential office confirms dismissal
After yesterday's false news, Mandela was released from the hospital, made the rounds, it is now confirmed: The Nobel Peace Prize winner left on Sunday morning clinic in Pretoria. This informed the presidential office. The state of the 95-year-old is still critical and sometimes unstable, but he could also receive the same intensive care at home in Johannesburg. The house Mandela had been rebuilt so that he could be cared for intensive care and also the medical staff was the same as in the clinic. In case of complications, a short-term transfer back to hospital would be possible at any time.

Lung problems go back to Mandela's term
The former South African president was hospitalized on June 8 for severe pneumonia, which initially worsened. At the end of June, the presidential office even announced that it was in mortal danger. Mandela's lung problems go back to his time as a political prisoner. He was imprisoned for 27 years for his fight against the racist apartheid regime. In prison, he contracted tuberculosis.

Last public appearance 2010
He was released in 1990 and became the first black president in South Africa four years later after the first free elections. Mandela resigned as head of state in 1999 and made his final public appearance at the 2010 FIFA World Cup final in Johannesburg. On July 18, South Africa and many other countries celebrated their 95th anniversary with numerous actions and events. (Ad)