Nelson Mandela released from the hospital

Nelson Mandela released from the hospital / Health News

Nelson Mandela released from the hospital


Nelson Mandela has left the hospital. After two days of treatment for an acute respiratory disease in the clinic, the health of the former South African president has improved again

The 92-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former South African President, Nelson Mandela, was able to leave the hospital after successful completion of treatment. After a two-day hospital stay, the former South Africa's former anti-apartheid fighter was taken by ambulance back to his villa in Johannesburg's Houghton district yesterday.

Health Mandela's well-kept secret
Originally left the ruling party „African National Congress (ANC)“, whose longtime leader was Mandela, announce on Thursday, „Nelson Mandela is (...) in the Milpark hospital in Johannesburg, where he undergoes a routine examination“. As in the past, the state of health of Mandela was reported only very hesitantly. It was not until the conclusion of the treatment that it became known that Madiba, as Mandela is called by the South Africans with his traditional clan name, suffered from an acute respiratory disease. The whole country was very worried about Mandela's hospitalization. Most South Africans adore their former president and fear the worst in the face of possible health deterioration. Masses of journalists besieged the hospital day and night, and rumors flared up that Mandela was reportedly dying.

Mandela treated for acute respiratory disease
After the health of the 92-year-old has now improved again and he was released from the hospital, the relief of the relatives and in the population is great. Also, the information about the health situation Mandela are now public again. Not least because of concerns about panic among the population, the ANC, the relatives of Mandela, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the attending physicians had hitherto been reluctant to pass on information. After the successful treatment, Deputy South African President Kgalema Motlanthe told Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg that Mandela was in good shape and in good spirits - he even joked with his visitors. On Friday, Nelson Mandela was released from the hospital after two days of successful treatment for acute respiratory disease. Nelson Mandela was on hospital treatment „reacted very well“, stressed the senior military doctor Vejaynand Ramlakan. However, the former South African president will continue to receive medical treatment at home in the coming days „intensively observed“ become, so Ramlakan.

The world cares about Mandela's health
When it became known on Wednesday that Mandela was hospitalized, not only the whole of South Africa had focused on the state of health of the 92-year-old, but also attracted numerous adherents internationally, to the health of the Nobel Peace Prize winner. Mandela's fight against apartheid and racial discrimination, his 27-year detention for this struggle and his commitment to a peaceful transition after his release in February 1990 have received widespread international acclaim. For example, today Mandela is considered one of the most outstanding personalities in the fight against black oppression around the world, alongside Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. But from public life, the former South African president has withdrawn more and more in recent years. In addition, in his few appearances, he recently made an extremely weak impression. However, as a spokesman for the ANC emphasized, Mandela is of course no longer a young man. Accordingly, the relief is great that his health has now apparently stabilized again. (Fp)

Also read:
Nelson Mandela hospitalized

Picture: Nelson Mandela