Side effects - Beware of diet

Side effects - Beware of diet / Health News

Diet means often dangerous

Pharmacies advise on side effects of dietary products


Many diet remedies promise quick success in reducing existing overweight. But not all available preparations hold this promise and they are also partly associated with serious side effects, so the warning of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists.

In a recent press release, the Vice President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists, Thomas Benkert explains: „All dietary remedies have in common that they can have side effects and that they only work if they are taken at the right time.“ Here is an appropriate advice in the pharmacy before using the dietary products „imperative.“ Benkert also expressed skepticism about the promised effect of the different preparations. „The promise to permanently lose weight just by using a dietary supplement is simply quackery“, so the Vice President of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists.

Questionable diet as a miracle weapon against obesity
If you want to lose weight, you should not rely on the statements of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists better on the already questionable diet. Ultimately, just lose „Weight, who consumes less calories than he consumes“, emphasized Thomas Benkert and added: „A change in diet and more exercise is not the way to lose weight permanently.“ Nevertheless, again and again „new dietary supplements as wonder weapons advertised against obesity“, currently one of the latest trends are the dietary products with pregnancy hormones, reported the Federal Association of German pharmacists associations (ABDA) in a press release. The people who want to lose weight are urged to inform themselves independently in the pharmacies about medicines, food supplements or medical devices. Many pharmacies also offer nutritional advice.

Critical evaluation of dietary products by the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists
The supply of dietary products has risen massively in recent years, with the preparations acting in different ways. According to information from the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists, some remedies swell with liquid in the stomach after ingestion, which is supposed to produce a feeling of satiety. Other dietary remedies aim to reduce the amount of fat ingested from the diet. In addition, numerous dubious dietary supplements or allegedly are found on the internet „pure vegetable“ Products that are supposed to do wonders when losing weight. These offers are evaluated extremely critically by the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists, because it always comes out that - for consumers not recognizable - risky, partially prescription ingredients are included.

Diet change and exercise against obesity
From the hope of a quick way to the dream figure, the weight loss should generally say goodbye, according to the experts. While the dietary supplements on offer are tempting, a balanced diet and plenty of exercise are ultimately the only long-term effective ways to fight obesity and obesity. Even before radical diets, in which within a very short time massively reduced weight, warn the experts. Laxatives or so-called diuretics (diuretic drugs) are basically not suitable as a diet. In addition, the therapeutic fasting that is more common in natural medicine should not be abused to lose weight, despite its very positive effects. For a short-term change in diet with the usual calorie and fat diet, quickly leads to the well-known yo-yo effect. The customer successes are not permanent here. (Fp)

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Picture: Lupo