Side effects with antidepressants

Side effects with antidepressants / Health News

More side effects with antidepressants than previously thought.

(21.04.2010)Antidepressants are used in diagnosed moderate and severe depression in psychiatric medicine. It was known that antidepressants cause side effects, but not to that extent, as it has now become known. Because according to scientists of the "Rhode Island Hospital" cause antidepressant drugs 20 times more side effects than previously known. According to the publication of the study results in the journal "Journal of Clinical Psychiatry" doctors would not note the side effects of the medication. The result: The general knowledge about occurring side effects and side effects of antidepressants are insufficient. The medics are now proposing to distribute questionnaires to the patients so that an assessment of the side effects could take place. This step could help to better evaluate the effects of the drugs. In addition, patients could be better informed about side effects and unauthorized abortions are prevented.

Serious side effects with antidepressants may be an increased propensity for suicidality (suicide) in children and adolescents. In adults, this relationship has not been determined correctly. In science, this relationship is discussed very controversially, as severe depression can lead to suicidality. Antidepressants themselves do not lead to physical dependence. However, sedatives such as lorazepam and diazepam are used in addition to the conventional antidepressant medication. These remedies may well make you dependent.

Alternatively, herbal remedies from natural medicine can be used. These are then considered when the depression is only mild. Also as an additional medication funds from natural medicine can be used. In this case, however, a consultation should be held with the doctor treated.

For example, St. John's wort is possible. Its mood-enhancing effect unfolds in tea and tablet form, as drops or injections. St. John's wort is especially suitable for the treatment of seasonal depression (depressive episode). Other positive effects were also observed with lemon balm, Indian basil and rose. Meditation, yoga, tai chi, autogenic training, light therapy and progressive muscle relaxation can also help with mild depression. (Sb)