Naturopathy willow bark relieves headaches

Naturopathy willow bark relieves headaches / Health News

Willow bark can relieve fever and headache


Already in antiquity and the Middle Ages people knew about the natural healing power of willow bark. The tree bark is an ideal analgesic for naturopathy and is mainly used for fever and headache. Willow bark works almost as well as aspirin, but without side effects. The reason: The bark contains the active ingredient Salicin and is considered in science as a precursor of the substance used in painkillers Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).

Natural remedies for pain and fever
Even the Greek physician Hippocrates relied on the soothing effects of willow bark. So even then the natural remedy for pain of any kind was used. Today, research shows that the substance Salicin inhibits inflammation, reduces pain and lowers the fever, explains Dr. med. Miriam Ortiz, general practitioner and naturopathy at the University Hospital in Berlin. The advantage: Salicin does not produce any unwanted side effects.

„But it depends on the right dosage“, as the doctor warns. Therefore, patients should not use the bark from the home garden, but resort to drugs from pharmacies or health food stores. According to the doctor, it is better to take willow bark tea or finished products for known causes of mild pain. "In acute conditions, adults may take a cup as an infusion of one teaspoon of willow bark (about 1.5 g) up to five times a day." The daily dose of drugs from the pharmacy about 60 to 120 milligrams. If the symptoms are acute, the daily dose can be increased to 240 milligrams in the short term, Ortiz reports.

No use in children under 12 years
Willow bark, like all other medicinal plants, is not suitable for long-term use. Even when it comes to natural substances, this does not mean that they can not provoke unwanted discomfort. Toddlers should not take the remedies, warns the general practitioner: "Tea and preparations are also not recommended for children up to twelve years and in a known salicylic acid hypersensitivity."

In studies, no coagulation disorders were found as with aspirin. If willow bark is to be taken in addition to anticoagulant drugs, a consultation with the attending physician is recommended in advance, emphasizes the expert in natural remedies.

Clinical studies showed efficacy
The research on the effectiveness of willow bark is not yet complete. However, the effectiveness could be proven in several double-blind studies. Thus, there were positive effects in patients with back pain and arthritis and a superiority over placebo pills. (Study: "Rheumatism with phytopharmaceuticals, 1999) The researchers concluded that the willow bark is an alternative, especially for patients who are constantly dependent on painkillers due to severe suffering, because pharmaceuticals can permanently damage the liver, stomach, kidneys and can even lead to death in overdoses. „Scientific studies indicate an excellent tolerability of the gastrointestinal tract.“, so the research team. (Sb)

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Image: Sara Hegewald