Naturopathy walnuts with lots of antioxidants

Naturopathy walnuts with lots of antioxidants / Health News

Researcher discovered particularly high antioxidant content in walnuts


Due to their content of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids, nuts have long been proven to promote good health. Their antioxidant content has also been shown to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and blood vessels in several studies.

Now the American scientist Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton (Pennsylvania, USA) has found out that walnuts have the highest antioxidant content among nuts. Walnuts contain about twice as many antioxidants as other nuts, and walnut antioxidants are also particularly effective in binding free radicals, Joe Vinson said. The protection against cell damage and the health-promoting effect is therefore particularly high with walnuts, reported the US scientists on the„24th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society“.

Antioxidants prevent many diseases
The University of Scranton researcher investigated the antioxidant content of nine different nut varieties in his study. Walnuts had the highest levels of antioxidants in the comparative analysis of almonds, pecans, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia and walnuts, Joe Vinson said. In addition, not only is the amount of antioxidants in the walnuts significantly higher, but they are also much more effective at binding free radicals, the US scientist said. For example, according to the expert, walnut substances are two to fifteen times more potent than vitamin E, which is generally considered to be a cell-protecting agent because of its anti-inflammatory effect. Previous studies have clearly demonstrated scientifically that eating small amounts of nuts or peanut butter significantly reduces the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, gallstones, type 2 diabetes and other health problems. At the same time, the antioxidants were always given a particularly health-promoting effect. In the light of his own research, Joe Vinson concludes that eating seven walnuts daily is enough to make a significant difference in health.

Health-promoting effect of nuts not sufficiently known
The widespread concern that the consumption of healthy, but also high-calorie nuts increases the risk of obesity, the US scientist denied and referred to a study from 2009, which has proven that the consumption of nuts, the risk of weight gain and overweight rather sinks instead of rising. In addition, the fats contained in nuts are healthy and are not suspected to clog the arteries. Nevertheless, the expert advises to keep the amounts of nuts consumed rather low. However, this should not be particularly difficult for nut lovers, as nuts are just as filling as high in calories. Overall, for the US researcher, nut consumption would still be considerably expandable from a health point of view, because so far residents in the modern industrialized countries only receive around eight percent of the daily intake of antioxidants from nuts. The health-promoting effect of the nuts is not sufficiently known, the expert suspected. The antioxidants of walnuts are particularly effective, and Vinson also said that they are not roasted before consumption, so all ingredients are preserved. Another advantage of the nuts in general is that they are lactose and gluten free, stressed the US researchers.

Vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants
The cell-protective, anti-inflammatory and cancer-preventing function of antioxidants has long been known in medicine, although in natural medicine, for example, onions, turmeric and cranberry because of their antioxidant content has always been „natural antibiotic“ be used. Other fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants in their natural form and that can have beneficial effects on health include mangoes, grapes, garlic, broccoli, ginger, coffee, tea, parsley, wholegrain rice, tomatoes and asparagus. (Fp)

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Picture: Rolf Handke