Naturopathy TCM relieves asthma symptoms

Naturopathy TCM relieves asthma symptoms / Health News
Traditional Chinese medicine provides relief for asthma sufferers
Traditional Chinese medicine can relieve asthma symptoms. In Germany, every tenth child regularly runs out of breath - and not with physical exertion. Normal environmental conditions cause scratching of the throat, dry cough or even severe respiratory distress. Bronchial asthma is developing into a widespread disease in the industrialized world, which is rapidly increasing, especially among children and adolescents. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the problem is the often premature administration of antibiotics, which prevents normal development of the immune system. That's why TCM experts do not treat symptoms, but disease causes.

Image: Monika Wisniewska /

Medications suppress immune system maturation
Recently, school physicians also confirmed the connection between the widespread use of antibiotics in combination with modern hygiene measures and the increase of allergies and diseases such as asthma. Sterile conditions prevent infectious stimuli that the immune system desperately needs for normal maturation. TCM experts therefore explain the cause of asthma in a misguided process of the body - often starting in childhood: "At the beginning of asthma are often delayed colds, which were not successfully managed. Even early allergies can lead to long-term asthma. Many patients have been receiving strong medication since childhood, such as antibiotics, nasal sprays and cortisone. And they in turn damage the lung qi, the flow of energy in the respiratory tract, and lead to the accumulation of internal mucus, "explains dr. Christian Schmincke, TCM expert and head of the clinic at the Steigerwald. Unlike conventional medicine, Chinese medicine looks at body and soul holistically and looks for causes of illness. Pulse and tongue diagnosis, but also extensive discussions with patients help to recognize them. "Above all, the cold that entered the body with the early colds caused allergic or infectious inflammations in the later asthmatic people, which had sunk from the nasal cavity into the bronchi," explains Dr. Schmincke.

Bring misguided processes back into balance
Very good treatment results are achieved by Chinese medicine with the Chinese drug therapy, the main pillar of TCM. Individually prescribed decoctions of Chinese herbs support the elimination of inflammation from the body and regulate the immune system. In dry coughs are usually bitter almonds and the root of a Chinese bellflower in the recipe. Patients with acute respiratory distress, in turn, administer TCM experts skullcap and Chinese mugwort. Supporting helps acupuncture. Qi Gong and Tunia massages also release tension and rebalance the system. At the same time, a vegetarian diet with fewer dairy products relieves the organism. Together, these treatments form the five pillars of TCM. According to a recent study by the Klinik am Steigerwald, 70 percent of patients with respiratory diseases benefit from such inpatient treatment with Chinese medicine. (Pm)

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