Naturopathy in cancer therapy

Naturopathy in cancer therapy / Health News

Naturopathy and spiritual healing in conventional cancer therapy

The Bochum University Hospital wants to fall back in the context of conventional cancer therapy on alternative healing approaches from naturopathy. In addition to chemotherapy, medical interventions and radiation, the doctors are not only focusing more on approaches to naturopathy, but also increasingly on some forms of naturopathy „spiritual healing“.

Applications of natural remedies and naturopathy are gaining more and more popularity in conventional medicine. In addition to radiation, surgery and chemotherapy, the doctors of the University of Bochum want to use more alternative methods in the treatment of cancer.

Prof. Dr. Waldemar Uhl from the University of St. Josef is convinced of the healing effect. He puts more emphasis on meditations in cancer patients. In some cases, according to Uhl, even difficult-to-treat cancers have been cured in patients. And the chairman of the German Medical Association, Professor Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe is convinced of the effective power of naturopathy. According to Hoppe, a mixture of naturopathy and conventional medicine is ideally suited to visibly improve the chances of the patients recovering. In professional circles, this mixture is also referred to as a complementary medical approach.

Today, naturopathy is not „Article of faith“ more, but more and more an integral part in the treatment of critically ill people. Numerous studies have already shown that many alternative treatments can increase the chance of recovery. Patients should therefore always take the initiative themselves and ask their doctor or alternative practitioner what additional methods are available in cancer therapy. (sb, 28.01.2011)

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