Naturopathy figs in constipation

Naturopathy figs in constipation / Health News
Naturopathy: Figs against constipation and inflammation
The fig (Ficus carica) is one of the oldest crops of our earth, which was already mentioned in the Bible. Mainly grown in the Mediterranean and Middle East, it is an integral part of naturopathic folk medicine there.

Figs help against constipation. (Photo: atoss-fotolia)

The fig (Ficus carica) is one of the oldest crops of our earth, which was already mentioned in the Bible. Mainly grown in the Mediterranean and Middle East, it is an integral part of naturopathic folk medicine there. After Germany, the fig was probably brought by the Romans. Already in the Bible the plant was mentioned as a fig leaf in Adam and Eve as the first named cultivated plant. According to research by researchers from Israel and the US in 2006, fig trees were the very first cultivated plants in human history.

Turkey is by far the largest fig-growing region in the world. Followed by Iran and Greece. In Germany there are smaller growing areas on the wine route and on the mountain road, in the wine region in the Palatinate and in the Dresden Elbe Valley.

In addition to the minerals phosphorus, iron and calcium, the ripe fruits of the fig trees also contain quite a lot of vitamin B1 (thiamine) - which above all requires our nervous system. It is said that some of its ingredients promote blood formation in our body and positively affect digestion. Most of the figs are dried, increasing their sugar content and reducing the natural water content of about 80 percent of the fruit to about 20 percent. But you can also eat the figs fresh.

The juice from the stems of fig leaves is used in natural medicine for rashes. The juice from the fig leaf stalks should be painted on the affected areas several times a day. Furthermore, one uses the ability that figs have mild laxative, against mild forms of constipation.

With caution traditional statements are to be enjoyed in natural medicine, that figs to help against cancer. According to media reports, there have been findings in Japanese studies, according to which are present in figs substances that can partially contain cancer cells. The figs are also said to have an antibacterial effect, which is why they are used against inflammation. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy)

Additional information:

- Special show at Arte on 9 March 2010 on figs
- A recipe with fig from