Naturopathy in dementia

Naturopathy in dementia / Health News

Hope for dementia patients from naturopathy


A composition of gold, frankincense and myrrh is said to help with confusion. Dr. Johannes Wilkens treated many demented patients with the homeopathic drug „Aurum compostium“.„Aurum compostium“ is a homeopathic medicine that contains gold, frankincense and myrrh. Many people associate these ingredients with the Three Kings' sheaves for the baby Jesus, but they do not know that homeopathy has some medications of this composition. Doctor and homeopath Dr. Johannes Wilkens explains: „Originally it was intended for autistic children. It is surprising that these agents are increasingly gaining in importance for demented patients as well. "Wilkens also reports on a few hundred cases in which he treated confused or low-concentration elderly people with gold, frankincense and myrrh: „Within a few days, often within hours, they became calmer and clearer.“ In addition, the treatment costs only one euro per day and patient.

No adequate studies yet
The physician continues to report that there are unfortunately no scientific studies on the efficacy of homeopathic medicines. Initial research is currently in the US. Wilkens continues: „We know they work, but we do not know exactly how.“

As part of the Carstens Foundation's dementia conference at the Charité in Berlin, which will also be attended by Wilkens, a nationwide expert commission on dementia will be set up with a focus on Hof and Bad Steben. Wilkens explains: „In the Bad Stebener Humboldt-Klinik we have the most experience in the field of old patients in this field in Germany.“ The physician reports from his experience with colleagues that more and more doctors are realizing that there are other, new ways and possibilities in addition to the path that pharmaceutical research prescribes. The Carstens Foundation, with which Wilkens is closely associated, promotes scientific research in the field of natural medicine.

Other cases successfully with „Aurum compostium“ treated
Dr. Hermann von Hoesslin, Head of Palliative Medicine and Pain Management at the Sana-Klinikum Hof, also reported positive treatment results in a very confused patient who had a tumor „Aurum compositum“ achieved. „Her condition could not be improved by conventional treatment,“ says von Hoesslin. After treatment with „Aurum compositum“ However, she was within a day responsive and mentally clearer. The desire of the patient to discuss the last things with her family, could be fulfilled. Von Hoesslin, however, also reported a case in which the homeopathic remedy had shown no success. It is a restless cancer patient with proven brain changes. His confusion could through „Aurum compositum“ can not be improved. The patient just calmed down.

Dr. Manfred Steinhäußer, head physician for anesthesia at the clinics of Hochfranken in Münchberg and Naila, reports on another field of application for the old remedy: „Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, surgery for confusion occurs. There are also drugs from conventional medicine against it. But they have side effects. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh do not have these side effects. And I have the impression that the patients will recover faster afterwards. "

What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a treatment method of alternative medicine based on the ideas of the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann. His publications go back to the year 1796. The theory of this treatment method is based on the so-called similarity principle: the same should be treated with the like. This means that a drug is used that causes symptoms similar to those of a healthy person in a healthy person.

Homeopathic medicines are subjected to potentiation. They are repeatedly shaken with water or alcohol, usually in the ratio 1:10 or 1: 100, or rubbed with milk sugar. In the final product of the starting material is often no longer detectable by the sometimes extreme dilution. Nevertheless, homeopathic medicines should be effective.

According to the Federal Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (BAH) in Germany in 2010 about 392 million euros spent by end consumers for homeopathic medicines. This represents about eight percent of over-the-counter medicines. (Ag)

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Image: Paul-Georg Meister