Natural remedies Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh

Natural remedies Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh / Health News

Natural Remedies: Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh


According to the Christian faith, the Three Magi brought the three main gifts of incense, gold and myrrh to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. Although it is not known whether they were aware of it then, with these gifts, the three saints gave natural remedies.

Already sniffing can help
Frankincense is the air-dried gum resin that is extracted from the incense tree. The smoke produced by burning is used for ritual purposes in various religions. But he is also said to have a healing effect, which could already help sniff.

Against sleep disorders and depressive mood
Wolfgang Steflitsch, pulmonologist in the Vienna Otto-Wagner-Spital and president of the Austrian Society for Scientific Aromatherapy and Aromatic Care, told the Austrian newspaper „The press“: „Room scenting with essential oils of Indian or Yemeni incense can strengthen the immune system, solve fears, but also destroy viruses in the indoor air. This is mainly thanks to the active ingredient monoterpene, a chemical compound made up of a chain of ten carbon atoms. In creams, gels and mixtures with natural fatty vegetable oils, this active ingredient can have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.“ Frankincense from Ethiopia and Eritrea, on the other hand, contain more esters, „its essential oils provide for mental balance and help against sleep disorders and depressive mood. Besides, they are antispasmodic“, so Steflitsch.

Rubbings and compresses
For complaints such as cramps or muscle tension but you could align with a fragrance lamp rather little. In such cases, rubs, wraps or compresses are recommended. This is done by mixing essential frankincense oil with a base oil and lubricating the affected areas. In the trade, corresponding ready-mixed mixtures are available, which should bring relief in, for example, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis.

Success in rheumatic complaints
The general and complementary physician Gerhard Hubmann, who has been practicing incense for nearly 20 years, also emphasizes the medical benefits of frankincense: „I often work with incense capsules and have achieved great success in patients with rheumatic complaints or inflammation.“ He further explains: „For lighter rheumatoid incense, incense can replace some or all of the conventional medication.“ However, you can not get around the side-effect rich NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and other conventional medical drugs in more serious diseases.

Similar effects as cortisone
The therapeutic benefit of frankincense is primarily due to boswellic acid, which interferes with the cycle of arachidonic acid, which plays a major role in inflammation in the human body. Therefore, incense capsules are used in inflammatory lung conditions such as bronchitis, gingivitis or inflammatory bowel disease. For the latter diseases, a study at the General Hospital of the City of Vienna (AKH) has even shown that the Indian frankincense, Boswellia serrata, has similar effects as cortisone.

Few big scientific studies
Hubmann refers despite all positive known characteristics of the frankincense on the so far few scientific evidence: „Although many incendia testify to anti-inflammatory effects, there are still too few major scientific studies. Companies that make phytotherapeutics simply do not have the money.“ And further: „But if I can save on side effects with a plant drug synthetic drugs, then that's just legitimate.“ For example, incense in brain tumors can save cortisone, sometimes even considerable amounts of it. „Frankincense decreases the swelling around the carcinoma.“ In clinical studies, the positive effect of incense preparations on edema around brain cancer has been described. Hubmann and Steflitsch advise caution when buying incense preparations. Since in Europe and the Internet often inferior products are offered, the best way to buy the funds only in pharmacies or doctors of trust.

Myrrh in toothpaste and mouthwash
Another gift of the sacred kings was myrrh, a balsam tree from which resin is extracted. Like frankincense, it is incinerated as an incense and is also used in medicine. Myrrh is also used in toothpastes and mouthwashes. „Reason is the astringent, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and healing effect“, so Steflitsch, „Myrrh also has an antiviral and antibacterial effect, so it also fights viruses and bacteria to a certain degree.“ The Viennese doctor had already had good experiences with myrrh in the treatment of chronic open wounds. Studies by the University of Leipzig have also shown that myrrh can alleviate intestinal spasms and therefore could be helpful in diseases such as Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome. Myrrh, as an essential oil, is also capable of destroying viruses and bacteria via room scenting. „From the psychic side, the essential myrrh oil is antidepressant and inspiring“, so Steflitsch.

Gold in homeopathy
The third of the main gifts for the Christ child was gold. The precious metal is used among others in dentistry. In the past centuries it has also found application in the treatment of tuberculosis or epilepsy. Today, gold is also used in homeopathy, such as depression, anxiety and fatigue. Swedish and American research has also shown that gold in tiny doses has a regulating effect on the immune system.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh
Even as a trio, the Christian gifts come for therapeutic use. So a composition of gold, frankincense and myrrh to help with confusion. Dr. Johannes Wilkens treated many demented patients with the homeopathic drug „Aurum compostium“, that contains gold, frankincense and myrrh. Doctor and homeopath Wilkens explained last year: „Originally it was intended for autistic children. It is surprising that these drugs are increasingly gaining in importance for demented patients as well. "Wilkens further reported on a few hundred cases in which he treated confused or low-concentration elderly people with gold, frankincense and myrrh: „Within a few days, often within hours, they became calmer and clearer.“ In addition, the treatment costs only one euro per day and patient. He also pointed out that, unfortunately, there are no scientific studies on the efficacy of homeopathic medicines: „We know they work, but we do not know exactly how.“ (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz