Natural healing power Healthy paradise grains from Africa

Natural healing power Healthy paradise grains from Africa / Health News
Paradise Grains in the Kitchen: Peppery spice from Africa
An African spice finds its way back to European cuisine. In the Middle Ages, the grains of paradise were also spread in Germany and served as a cheap substitute for black pepper. With the discovery of sea routes to India and the concomitant triumph of pepper, the grains of paradise fell into oblivion. Today, the spice is used more frequently again. It is also included in traditional spice blends for gingerbread, sausages and mulled wine.

Paradise grains have a sharp to slightly tart taste with a fruity note. Since the seeds are significantly milder than pepper, they go well with vegetables such as eggplant, potatoes, fish and other seafood. In the African kitchen, they are used primarily for stews and casseroles, but are also part of popular spice blends such as Ras el Hanout and Gâlat dagga. Also with black pepper and Kubebenpfeffer the dried seeds can be combined very well.

Healing Paradise Grains. Image: fotojob - fotolia

Paradise grains are also called Guinea pepper, as they are native to tropical West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. The plant with the scientific name Aframomum melegueta belongs to the family of ginger family and is grown in Liberia, Togo, Nigeria and Ghana, among others. From the trumpet-shaped flowers form 10 cm long capsule fruits, each containing 60 to 100 small seeds. In Africa, grains of paradise are used as a medicinal herb, as their essential oils are anti-inflammatory, support the digestion and chewed serve as a warming agent.

Paradise grains are available in spice shops and on the Internet. When stored unground, cool, dry and protected from light, they are stable for two to three years. The aroma can be intensified by briefly roasting without fat. Then the seeds are ground and put into the dish at the end of the cooking time. Heike Kreutz, aid