Nasal sprays favor stuffy nose

Nasal sprays favor stuffy nose / Health News

Constantly fed up? Do not underestimate symptoms


Clogged noses are part of the cold season. Holds the „full“ However, if the nose is longer or does not disappear completely throughout the year, causes other than an infection may also be considered. This is indicated by HNOnet-NRW, an association of established ENT doctors. A permanently blocked nose often hinders the inflow and outflow of the breathing air and not infrequently leads to snoring, olfactory disturbances and sinusitis. Equally affected persons exacerbated nasal breathing by mouth breathing, also dries out the pharyngeal mucosa. This favors the development of angina or laryngitis. Patients also often complain of an increased susceptibility to infection, as the narrowing in the inside of the nose blocks connections between the nasal cavity and sinuses and prevents nasal secretions and pathogens from draining off. That's why it should be treated.

The obstructed nasal breathing is caused by swollen nasal mucous membranes as well as by organic changes. Infections, allergies or dry air cause the nasal mucosa to swell. Foreign bodies, polyps or tumors also impede nasal breathing. „In almost every human being also congenital curvatures in the nasal septum can be found, which also cause discomfort in pronounced forms“, adds Dr. Uso Walter, CEO of HNOnet-NRW. To assess the extent of the constriction and to generally examine the condition of the nose, an ear, nose and throat specialist performs nasal endoscopy and determines the severity of the respiratory obstruction with a nasal flow measurement.

In order to reduce symptoms of cold and ventilation and to improve the passage of air and secretion help decongestant nasal sprays or drops, which are only suitable for a short-term therapy. Basically, the mucous membranes need moisture, for example by inhalation. An addition of essential oils or saline also often has a beneficial effect. Drinking a lot also helps to liquefy the nasal secretions. Also expectorant drugs, nasal douches or side effects glucocorticoid sprays often have a facilitating effect. If polyps have nasal breathing, they should be surgically removed. „Polyps are benign growths of the nasal mucosa or mucosa of the paranasal sinuses. Magnifications of the mucous membrane then look similar to a fungus on a tree trunk“, thinks Dr. Walter. As an alternative to surgical removal of polyps, tissue-friendly removal by laser is also an option, as it also results in faster healing.

„Many people with a constantly clogged nose also cause the chronic condition by using regular nasal sprays“, explains Dr. Walter. Although the sprays initially bring relief, but when the effect of the decongestant substances through habituation subsides, it often leads to increased circulation of the nasal mucosa. It swells more than before, dries out and, in the worst case, will cause permanent damage. The re-swelling also leads to reuse the spray. Instead of liberating the nose, the permanent use leads to a chronically congested nose. Although the nasal spray relieves the symptoms of the cold in the short term, it also maintains it at the same time. In order to break the vicious circle, the cause should be identified and treated. (Pm)