Nasal spray quickly becomes a germicide

Nasal spray quickly becomes a germicide / Health News

Nasal spray can quickly become a germicide


Especially now during the cold, many people use nasal sprays. If used incorrectly, however, they can quickly become a germicide. Many experts believe that such sprays often cause less than many simple home remedies for colds anyway.

Keep the sprayer pressed down long enough
No matter if the nose is clogged or the nose is constantly running: "During the cold, many people resort to nasal sprays, but if used incorrectly, such sprays can quickly turn into germicides." In the „pharmacy magazine“ (1/2015 A) is given a tip for the correct application: It is important, therefore, "to keep the sprayer pressed until you pull the adapter back out of the nose, because otherwise nasal secretions could be sucked into the solution." This causes the durability decreases. The pharmacy also offers products where a special valve prevents it from sucking back.

Natural alternatives
As the review further reported, you can also become addicted to the nasal spray, if you use this too long. Consequences of this can be, for example, a chronically swollen mucous membrane or a wet-sounding voice. Many experts say anyway that there are better alternatives to nasal sprays. For example, salt solutions or essential oils are available to fight the cold. By inhaling the mucous membranes are moistened and thus they swell less. Saline solutions can be applied in the form of nasal rinses and ointments with essential oils of eucalyptus, peppermint or pine needles, with their cooling effect, ensure that those affected can breathe freely again.

Do not use nasal sprays for more than seven days
Another well-tried home remedy for the onset of cold is the drinking of iodine water. People who want to catch their cold in this way drink a glass of water at the very first sign of the onset of cold, to which a drop of 10% iodine tincture has been added. This is intended to regulate the fluid balance of the nasal mucous membranes and thus prevent the onset of the cold. Those who do not want to do without the decongestant nasal sprays should not use them for more than seven days. (Ad)
