Nanoparticles in the sunscreen

Nanoparticles in the sunscreen / Health News

Nanoparticles in suntan milk: Öko-Test advises consumers to resort to natural cosmetics, which does not „mineral UV filters“ use.

(02.06.2010) Summer is coming and the choice of sun creams has to be made. The consumer magazine „Eco test“ has tested 25 different sun creams. In particular, the ingredients of the sunscreen products were examined and evaluated.

So had „Eco test“ found out that for the chemical UV filter many manufacturers mix different substances together. There are indications that these substances can act like a hormone. For example, scientific studies have shown in the past that these substances can enter the human body. Researchers had detected traces of these chemical UV filters in breast milk. For this reason, Ökotest advises consumers to use natural cosmetics that do not use mineral filter substances. Jürgen Stellpflug from Ökotest said: „Consumers, especially children and pregnant women, should use products with purely mineral filters - with natural cosmetics you are on the safe side here.“ Natural-based suntan can be found, for example, in the health food store.

Mineral filter substances include, for example, chemical substances such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. These are used in the form of nanoparticles. It is still unclear how nanoparticles affect the human organism. Only in 2013 manufacturers have to declare on the products whether nanoparticles are included in the product. Öko-Test points out that nanoparticles in sunscreens are harmless.

In addition, Ökotest found out that some products also contain substances of concern. For example, substances such as PEG / PEG derivatives have been found in some creams. These cause, for example, that foreign substances are more permeable to the skin. According to Ökotest, the suntan lotion from Nivea and Lancaster also contains fragrances that can trigger allergies in some people. All other results can be read in the latest edition of Öko-Test. (Sb)

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