Nanoparticles affect iron absorption in the gut

Nanoparticles affect iron absorption in the gut / Health News

Nanoparticles affect iron absorption in the gut


Nanoparticles are today contained in many plastics. Due to their small size, they overcome many natural barriers, such as in the human body. The scientists argue about their potential health-damaging effects. Researchers at the University of Ithaca have now discovered that nanoparticles alter iron uptake in the gut.

Nanoparticles are contained in many plastics
Nanoparticles are today part of care products, clothing and plastics, such as in food packaging. They are up to 100 nanometers, so up to 100 millionths of a millimeter in size and can come from different materials. They are able to change the properties of a substance.

A team of scientists led by Michael L. Shuler has now discovered that nanoparticles of a certain plastic disrupt the absorption capacity of iron in the digestive system when ingested orally. For the investigation, 50 nanoparticles made of polystyrene were used. The substance should be non-toxic to the body.

Using human intestinal cell cultures, the scientists were able to determine that a high dose of the nanoparticles leads to increased iron transport, because the cell membrane was influenced. In chickens, a high single dose administered directly to the small intestine resulted in lower iron uptake in the gut than in chickens receiving no or lower dose nanoparticles over a longer period. In the journal „Nature Nanotechnology“ The researchers report that chickens that were given polystyrene nanoparticles for extended periods showed changes in the intestinal mucosa. However, they also point out that further investigations are necessary.

Health risks of nanoparticles are controversial
Although nanoparticles are now used almost everywhere in industry and food processing, their potential health risks are controversial. For example, nanoparticles in cappuccino powder are responsible for the frothy milk produced without having to froth milk.

In August 2009, Chinese researchers revealed that nanoparticles in dyes can cause severe lung disease. A Japanese study showed that nanoparticles can negatively affect fetal brain development. In addition, physicians found evidence that workers are exposed to a potential risk when working with nanocoatings in their day-to-day work. Medical researcher Thomas Kraus confirmed to the news magazine „Focus“, that the particles could develop an asbestos-like mode of action. Nevertheless, manufacturers only have to provide their products with an indication of nanoparticles from 2013 onwards. However, environmental and consumer advocates call for immediate labeling based on the potential health risk. (Ag)

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Image: TU Braunschweig, Institute of Electrical Measurement Technology and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.