Dietary supplements for vegetarians and vegans useless?

Dietary supplements for vegetarians and vegans useless? / Health News
Supplements for vegetarians and vegans useless?

With vegan nutrition, some nutrients may be too short. Therefore, there are a number of preparations for this target group to prevent possible deficiency. However, not everything that is offered makes sense, says Ökotest. The team has looked at dietary supplements for vegans.

Vitamins B2, B12 and D, minerals such as iron, iodine, zinc and calcium as well as omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are particularly critical in vegan nutrition. To prevent deficiency symptoms, many vegans and vegetarians to dietary supplements.

Nine agents tested Öko-Test: Eight tested products received "insufficient" in the overall assessment. The ninth preparation was rated as "adequate".

Ökotest advises in purely vegetarian or vegetarian diets with low dairy products to supplement vitamin B12 with monopreparations in the recommended dosage (at least 3 μg to a maximum of 9 μg / day) or with fortified foods. And prophylactically, not only when a deficiency occurs. Everything else the testers without proven deficiency consider superfluous. (Pm)

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