Nutritional supplement not eligible

Nutritional supplement not eligible / Health News

Judgment: Nutritional supplement in Rhineland-Palatinate not eligible


The cost of procuring food supplements is not eligible under the Rhineland-Palatinate aid regulation. This has been decided by the VG Koblenz.

An official had aid payments, i.a. For the procurement of salmon caviar extract Vitalipin sued. The defendant country refused. In the case of Vitalipin it is a simple dietary supplement, for which a reimbursement is not provided.

In his complaint, the plaintiff claimed that the product Vitalipin was used both as a dietary supplement and as a medicament. In the specific case, it was expressly prescribed for medical treatment.

The Koblenz judges did not give the action in relation to VItalpin. The product Vitalipin is not eligible under the relevant provisions as a dietary supplement. It does not depend on the specific use of the remedy in an individual case, but on the objective purpose. (Administrative Court Koblenz, judgment of 5 September 2014, 5 K 370 / 14.KO).