Mother brought her baby from an abdomen during an assisted caesarean section

Mother brought her baby from an abdomen during an assisted caesarean section / Health News
More and more women give birth to their child by means of cut birth. As a result, the mothers hardly experience the birth. In a North Rhine-Westphalian clinic, a "maternally assisted cesarean section" was performed for the first time. The mother was able to get her child out of her stomach with the help of the doctors. "This was the first accompanied cut birth in Germany," it said in a statement of the clinic.

First performed "maternally assisted cesarean section"
At the hospital Bad Oeyenhausen (North Rhine-Westphalia), a baby was born by a so-called "maternally assisted cesarean section". According to the clinic, this was the first intervention of this kind in Germany. According to a press release from the "Mühlenkreiskliniken" Manfred Schmitt, chief physician of the clinic for gynecology and obstetrics in the hospital Bad Oeynhausen: "I was initially very skeptical about this method." Earlier this year, he learned from the media that a colleague in Australia had performed such an operation.

Image: Sonja Graves

Mothers report the feeling of being at the mercy
"We simply discussed this with colleagues and with our midwives and, apart from a certain uneasy feeling, found no lasting reasons for our skepticism," said the doctor. In addition, there was the experience of the obstetric team that women often reported a sense of being at the mercy of Caesarean delivery. "This feeling is particularly strong in women who give birth under general anesthesia," said the documentary midwife in the hospital Bad Oeyenhausen, Irina Wittemeier. "They wake up after the procedure and suddenly have a baby. You have not experienced the whole process of the birth of the child. Many women find that stressful. "

By caesarean section and fully conscious
That was also the case with Oxana Kaiser from Minden. Since she gave birth to her first child by caesarean section and the next three by natural means, she knows the difference: "After the birth of my eldest daughter, I always had a little doubt at first whether this really is my child. For my other children, I did not have that very unpleasant feeling. "It was clear to her from her concomitant illness that she wanted to give birth to the fifth child again by caesarean section. In Germany, about every third birth takes place by caesarean section, as reported last year. Reasons for this delivery method include a very high weight of the baby or possible risks of pregnancy with twins or multiple births. After telling the midwife about the new Australian method, it was clear to Oxana Kaiser that this was the right birth method for her. By caesarean section and fully conscious.

Expectant mother could move upper body and arms
In this method, the mother received a spinal cord anesthesia as in a normal caesarean section, which allowed her to move upper body and arms. According to the information, chief physician Dr. Manfred Schmitt initially performed the operation as usual, but lifted the child only partially from the abdomen. Then the mother, assisted by the doctor, could put her hands around her child and bring it to life completely. "I was very happy in that moment," said the 30-year-old mother. Eric Maximilian Kaiser weighed over 4,100 grams at birth and was already 57 inches tall. "That was a beautiful Brummer," said Oxana Kaiser.

"Mother and child are doing great"
Especially important was the sterility of the hands of the expectant mother. In a cesarean section, the large surgical wound must be protected from infectious agents under all circumstances. By putting on surgical gloves and covering the arms, the necessary safety could be guaranteed. Chief physician Manfred Schmitt expressed himself very satisfied with the course. "Mother and child are doing great, that's the most important thing. If it fits in with the diagnosis and the couple, maternal assisted cesarean delivery is an alternative form of birth that we will certainly use multiple times. "(Ad)