Mother recognized cancer in the eye of her own child at an early age - it was life-saving

Mother recognized cancer in the eye of her own child at an early age - it was life-saving / Health News

Mother sees change in the eye of the son - and possibly saves his life

Recognizing cancerous tumors quickly can save lives. This may have been the case with a small child in the UK. His mother had noticed that one eye of the son had changed. The doctors then found a tumor. She noticed the change thanks to a cancer education campaign.

Number of children with cancer is increasing

More and more people are getting cancer. Even with teenagers and children the cancers increase dramatically. For many cancers, a complete cure is possible. Provided the condition is diagnosed early. That is why it is important to recognize possible first signs of cancer. This is also clear to a woman from the UK who may have saved her son's life thanks to a cancer awareness campaign.

A mother from England noticed that her son's eye had changed visually. A medical examination turned out to be a tumor behind it. (Image: S.Kobold /

Enlightenment campaign after the death of a girl

According to a report in the British newspaper "Mirror" discovered a mother from the English Worcester thanks to a campaign against cancer a deadly tumor behind the eye of her young son.

The 37-year-old Rhiannon Malbas had received a map at work, on which the case of little Grace Kelly was discussed. The girl from England died of cancer in 2014 at the age of four.

After the death of the child, the association "Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust" was founded, which educates about the deadly disease.

Just days after Mrs. Malbas received information about her cancer symptoms, she noticed that the left eye of her two-year-old son, Xavi, had changed visually - a sign of cancer.

Child was treated in time

She went with her child to the doctor, who issued a transfer to a specialist. He has discovered a large tumor behind the eye.

Now, after months of chemo and laser therapy, growth has shrunk and doctors hope that Xavi will fully recover.

"If we had waited longer, he would have lost his eye," the mother told the newspaper.

White spot on the eye

The boy's treatment was apparently successful. "The doctors are pleased with Xavis progress," said the 37-year-old.

According to the newspaper report, she has since discovered a photo of her son's baptism, which shows a white dot in his left eye, another possible indication of childhood cancer.

She said, "I was shocked that the tumor was there six months after birth but was not discovered." (Ad)