Multidrug-resistant germs in the University of Leipzig

Multidrug-resistant germs in the University of Leipzig / Health News

Multidrug resistant KPC germs detected in more than 50 patients


At the University Hospital Leipzig (UKL), numerous patients have been diagnosed with multidrug-resistant KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae) pathogens in the past two years. 58 patients were affected by the infection in 2010, according to official notification from the hospital since the first evidence of the pathogens in 2010.

„The KPC germ, which has hardly been widespread in northern Europe, has tended to gain ground in recent years“, reports the university hospital. In Leipzig, the pathogen was first detected in July 2010 in a patient who came here from a Greek clinic. The affected patient was immediately isolated and all necessary protective measures initiated, reports the hospital. The subsequent microbiological examinations of fellow patients and the environment would have revealed no evidence of transmission. But despite the „Barrier measures came with a long time delay three months later in autumn 2010 to an outbreak-like accumulation on several stations“, so the message from the University Hospital. Subsequently, the physicians with 30 affected patients until the containment of the wave of infection in February 2011, the largest ever CCP epidemic in Germany.

58 patients infected with multidrug-resistant pathogens
In January 2011, the University of Leipzig had informed the responsible health department about the spread of CCP infections, as there is a mandatory reporting in the event of increased occurrence of hospital infections. However „from today's point of view this message can certainly be made earlier“, said Professor Wolfgang E. Fleig, Medical Director of the University Hospital Leipzig, self-critical. Even after the containment of the wave of infection, isolated infections with the CCP germs have repeatedly occurred at the University of Leipzig. For example, since February 2011, up to four cases of CCP detection have been registered each month in patients admitted or transferred to the University Hospital. This year alone, eight other patients have become infected with the multidrug-resistant pathogens. Overall, the CCP germs have been detected in 58 patients in Leipzig, with almost all those affected because of the heaviest „Underlying conditions such as liver failure requiring transplantation in the UKL“, so the official message of the hospital.

Transmission chain of multidrug-resistant pathogens not yet finally interrupted
The first outbreak of CCP infections could „Although it has been contained by additional preventive measures, the transmission chain has not yet been definitively interrupted“, reports Professor Fleig in the press release „Containment of a rare multidrug-resistant germ at the University Hospital Leipzig“. A successful prevention of further new infections can only be achieved if outside the university hospital intensively looking for possible CCP carriers. Because the experts of the UKL assume that many patients are not infected in the clinic with the germ, but have already introduced this. „To our knowledge, the isolated KPC evidence at the UKL is not related to a currently active source in the UKL ", Prof. Fleig emphasized and added: „It is very likely that patients will repeatedly bring the germ into the UKL.“ However, employees will continue to search for possible transmission paths.
Health risks from CCP
The physicians explained to the health risks by KPC, it was „It is known that disease progression of inpatient patients is negatively affected by colonization or infection with multidrug-resistant bacteria.“ This also applies to infections caused by the multi-resistant KPC germs. Especially in the treatment arise due to the antibiotic resistance of the pathogens often difficulties. This was also confirmed by Klaus-Dieter Zastrow of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene, who stated that it often takes a long time before an effective antibiotic can be identified for treatment. According to the medical profession, three antibiotics are available for treatment for the KPC germs that were detected at the University of Leipzig.

Multidrug-resistant KPC germs more widespread in Southern Europe
While the germs in northern Europe have so far been detected only sporadically, they have been relatively widespread in some southern European countries for a long time. According to the UKL communication, more than 25 percent of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria are present in Greece „the UKL's proven or similar resistance“ and „in Italy, the rate is five to ten percent.“ However, according to Klaus-Dieter Zastrow, the spread of infections observed in Leipzig remains German-German „more than extraordinary.“ (Fp)

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Image: Christa El Kashef