Multi-resistant germs in the pigsty

Multi-resistant germs in the pigsty / Health News

Most of the pig herds contaminated with MRSA


Several studies commissioned three years ago by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection have confirmed the spread of multidrug-resistant MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) analyzed. On Tuesday, the results will be presented in Berlin.

First of all, Professor Thomas Blaha, head of the Epidemiology Branch of the University of Veterinary Medicine (TiHo) Hannover, told the news agency "dapd" on Monday that a certain form of multidrug-resistant germs was detected in a large part of the pigsties examined. 40 percent of the people who regularly come into contact with the animals are "populated". Nevertheless, the researchers were rather reassured in view of the findings, since the corresponding MRSA germ very rarely causes an infection in humans. However, the more dangerous for humans MRSA pathogens were, according to the expert in the livestock only extremely sporadic proven.

Investigation of the occurrence of multi-resistant pathogens in animal husbandry

Three years ago, the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) had commissioned five studies, with the TiHo in Hanover being entrusted with analyzing the spread of MRSA in pig fattening and pig breeding in Germany, explained Professor Blaha. The Free University of Berlin was to determine the presence of the pathogen in the dust inside and outside the animal sheds and the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) was commissioned with the molecular biological fine typing of bacterial strains, Blaha continued. Basically, the investigation found typing of the pathogens into three categories: MRSA-ST398, which is relatively common in animal husbandry, naturally occurring CA-MRSA in the environment, and HA-MRSA caused by contact with antibiotics. Together, the MRSA strains their resistance to conventional antibiotics, which makes the treatment considerably more difficult in the case of infection and not infrequently in hospital germs in particular the death of the patient.

Detected MRSA germs harmless to humans?
The fact that a large proportion of pig herds are contaminated with multidrug-resistant pathogens is more than just given the resistance of MRSA to antibiotics. Although the researchers reassure with the note that 98 to 99 percent of the detected germs belonged to the strain MRSA-ST398 and thus are very rarely dangerous for humans. But that such a high degree of infection with antibiotic-resistant pathogens was also a further indication of the grievances that have been criticized for years in animal husbandry - in particular the negligent handling of antibiotics. That of the 40 percent of people who were also colonized by the regular contact with the pigs with the pathogen, usually hardly anyone suffering from a corresponding infection, can hardly calmed so far. According to Professor Blaha, the MRSA-ST398 germs usually die in the gastrointestinal tract and become dangerous only when in contact with open wounds.

Organic farms less frequently contaminated with MRSA than conventional farms
On Monday, with reference to a written review of studies on MRSA germs in livestock, the radio station NDR Info not only referred to the prevalence of pig herds, but also reported that "up to 60% of conventional farms" and only in 25 percent of organic farms the MRSA germ was detectable in the dust. In addition, the pathogens were partially still found 500 meters away from the stable. Although there is "no immediate health risk for people in the area, a spread of antibiotic-resistant germs in this way is possible and must be contained," so quoted by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. The reason why antibiotic-resistant germs are much more prevalent in conventional livestock farms than in organic farms, can not be determined on the basis of the current research results, but the researchers suspect that one of the reasons could be the brisk trade in conventional farms.

MRSA germs in animal husbandry a general problem?
Probably the multidrug-resistant pathogens are introduced with the animal acquisitions, explained Prof. Blaha. However, how many multidrug-resistant pathogens could develop remains unanswered. It also seems likely that antibiotic use in conventional farms could have a direct impact on the spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria. "NDR Info" had also reported that 13 samples from poultry farms nationwide were analyzed for the studies, the evaluation of which had not yet been completed, but "in most cases MRSA germs were detected" according to the ministry. The problem of antibiotic resistance is therefore not limited to the pig population - which, however, should hardly surprise laymen. The fact that the multidrug-resistant pathogens were allegedly detected in numerous slaughterhouses here causes rather more concern. At this point, however, the BMELV quickly provides reassurance, pointing out that the pathogens found in the slaughterhouses were not the dangerous HA-MRSA germs. Just because "MRSA germs are detectable on the flesh" does not mean "that they must be dangerous to humans," a ministry spokesman told the radio station. Nevertheless, the spokesman for the BMELV admitted that hygiene in the slaughterhouses must be improved in view of the current study results. (Fp)

Read also about MRSA:
Resistant germs due to antibiotic animal husbandry
Multi-resistant germs on frozen chicken
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